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Varn Tene'ztari


Varn Tene'ztari was a man of focus who was transported to Genessi via a planar portal. He had discovered it deep within ancient ruins in the Sword Coast. There he met a man by the name of Sacha who teleported the two of them to Genessi. Lost and alone, Varn founded the Tene'ztari, a group of monster hunters who sought to bring peace and stability to the Greensea on the Isle of K'arth.   Much later, Varn was transported once more to the future by Sacha to aid the mysterious time traveler in tracking and killing an extraplanar monster. After the deed was done, Varn was once again lost in time, and took to traveling the countryside in search of work. In time he learned the fate that had befallen his beloved Tene'ztari - his former student had released an efreeti that destroyed the fortress. He settled in the town of Flanoir, where he uncovered a conspiracy to kidnap snow elves and use their blood to make Activated Amaranth Cores. He displayed enough evidence to send Anna Wilton to the Ironholt, but something was missing.
  Years later, Clucion Trailbreaker found Varn's bestiary in Lord Villamere von Kusak's manor. The two had journeyed together briefly throughout the Sword Coast and had become inseparable, relying on one another as close friends and allies. Clucion had been brought into Genessi mysteriously and sought out his old friend once he learned of his existence here.   When they met, Varn was much older than Clucion remembered. He introduced Varn to his current companions, the Emerald Order, and disclosed Lod Gavec's interest in learning how to become a monster hunter.   After training Lod Gavec, Varn revealed that he was dying. Gavec performed the world's first magi-tech heart surgery, saving his life, though not without Es'tiel Datoris using his nanites to help heal the dying man. Doctor Lod Gavec used an Activated Amaranth Core in place of his heart, and together they created something non-mortal.   Varn awoke as something... new. Clucion recognized what he'd become as similar to the Augr of Flanoir, the former Dr. Fenton Webb. Varn revealed to the Emerald Order that Villamere had betrayed each and every one of them, then set off on a new quest to help aid the group in preventing Amaeira from returning.  
Notable Quotes

"You're either totally incompetent... Or you're lying. You have the Red Brand in your pockets, don't you? They're kidnapping your fucking townsmen and killing them! We took a job to bring them home. Do you have the balls to try and stop us?"   "You won't buy this bundle of goblin ears? Shit."   "Why does it always have to be a fucking carnival?"   "The truth is, I'm dying, Clucion. Maybe it's better this way."   "He... he betrayed you. Each and every one. Villamere..."


Varn was scared of dogs for the first two and a half decades of his life. He had been violently mauled by a rabid dog as a child, when he was homeless and wandering the streets of Gallid-on-the-Sea. Clucion Trailbreaker helped him overcome his fear, and gave him a tooth necklace from a dire wolf they had killed together. He kept it, even forty years later.   He considered himself a monster. Though he was a changeling, Varn would never change his form, only consciously age the identity he had assumed at a young age. He kept every scar as a reminder and a warning to others not to get too close, lest they be in the ever-present danger of his life.  
His right shoulder was permanently damaged by the Ogre of Wyvern Tor, resulting in it appearing a few inches lower than his left. Despite his reluctance to change his body, he often wore padding to make his shoulders appear level.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Varn could scarcely remember a time when he was not haunted by visions of his own failings. Most nights as he fell asleep he was unable to smother the image of his mother and father’s burnt corpses staked outside of his hometown, Gallid-on-the-Sea, or deafen the cries and shrieks of his lover as he arrived, too late, to save her from the Mad Inquisitor. In times of quiet surrender he would awaken in a cold sweat, clutching at the deep scars across his body, mind plagued by memories of monsters. There was only one truth: he was being hunted. And so, Varn ran.   The years passed with much hardship and pain. Young Varn grew to the age of sixteen. An ascetic monk took him back to a remote monastery and became his master, teaching him the ways of martial freedom. Varn learned over the next five years to calm the voices in his head, temper his blade and mind, and hone his reflexes. He studied books on anatomy, bestiaries, and combat, and was often recruited by the local village to drive off monsters. He found, for the first time in his life, a sense of duty in this. The day he bid farewell to the monastery he was gifted a silver shortsword called Retribution and a single mission - to kill the monsters that prey on the weak and desperate.   The next few years of his life Varn spent traveling the continent dispatching evils - be they monster or man. He did this with ruthless precision - he never let them suffer as the blade found its mark. He had been sheltered and beloved by locals one day, and spat on and feared by others the next. He kept a journal detailing his hunts, thoughts, and battles, and hoped to one day pass it onto the next generation of monster hunters.   After losing his friends outside of Neverwinter in the Sword Coast, Varn met a strange man named Sacha (see Lord Villamere von Kusak) who hired him for an expedition deep within drow-filled caverns below the surface. Within, they found a strange gate marked heavily with ancient runes. Sacha activated it and the two stepped inside - and so Varn found his way into Genessi. A stranger in a strange land, Varn did the only thing he knew - he traveled this new world and hunted monsters.   He kept his journal, eventually turning it into a full-fledged bestiary. The book was magically enchanted and replicated for his guild in the Greensea on the isle of K'arth, the Tene'ztari monster hunters.   Three decades passed with Varn as the leader of the Tene'ztari before the strange man appeared once more, requesting his help for a hunt in a place called Flanoir. Varn was pulled many centuries into the future, to 3e527, where he and Sacha dispatched a pair of ice devils that had found themselves in the snow-covered Thaagos Mountains.   Sacha departed after the hunt, stranding Varn once more in time. He heard of snow elves disappearing around Flanoir and decided to investigate, eventually learning the truth of Anna Wilton and leading to her improsonment in the Ironholt.   Varn remained in Flanoir for the rest of his life, growing older and more tired. He took on an apprentice, a wandering warforged named Zelos who he trained as the last Tene'ztari. Three more years passed before Clucion and the The Emerald Order appeared, leading to his death and rebirth as the Augur of K'arth.

Gender Identity

Varn, as an Aburaxii, had no true gender identity, though most often thought of himself as a male. He could change his sex and appearance at will, yet stayed true to his form and refused to change from the person he created.


Varn was asexual, preferring instead deep intimacy in friendship and bonds.

Morality & Philosophy

Varn saw himself as an abnormality - a monster. He was constantly reminded of this in his youth, which had lasting impact on his self-worth. He decided that he would use the curse that was bestowed upon him to aid others and try to make a meaningful life out of the mistake that he felt his was.


Religious Views

Varn believes in the different gods and goddesses of the realms, but does not put any faith in them. Ironic, then, that he was made into an Augr by Lod Gavec - turning him into a new Val'akai.


His voice was deep and harsh, the result of scars along his throat from ingesting dangerous toxins and potions as a Tene'ztari.
Green with golden circles
Slicked back long on top, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Deep Speech, Draconic, Undercommon

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