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Like other warforged in Genessi, Zelos had his memory wiped during the Human Exodus. He wandered many decades without purpose, seeking to remember who he was. His search eventually led him to a settlement known as K'arth, where he was told the great Tene'ztari operated. He hoped to train and fight with them, yet when he arrived the fortress had already fallen. Zelos continued traveling and helping those he could, learning to meditate deeply on his existence and life as a whole. He found some peace in this, and began to live by his own code. He decided the past didn't matter - what mattered was how he chose to live today.   By the end of the third era, Zelos was found by Varn Tene'ztari. Varn recruited Zelos after his arrival in Flanoir to help destroy the monster he was hunting. The two became fast friends, and Zelos finally was able to train with a true Tene'ztari, over a thousand years after his first attempt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zelos wandered across Genessi, farther than many of the other warforged and humans dared to. After giving up on K'arth, Zelos traveled west with a small group of warforged and humans. They stopped in Venubia and created a small outpost called Meldrior. This would grow to become the largest city and capital of the Xhosic Desert. After a time, Zelos ventured away once more. He sought to see all that he could of this strange new world.   By the middle of the first era Zelos had arrived in Lenaris. Of the sixteen warforged and humans that Zelos led to Linaria, only three survived - a human male named Grant Hughes, a warforged who had taken a feminine appearance and called herself Klis'sa, and Zelos himself. Klis'sa was killed in the second era during a social collapse in the city of Mo'eri Tak. Mourning her death, Zelos returned east in search of others of his kind.
287 lbs
Aligned Organization

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