Kamisato Takeshi (神里健 Kamisato Takeshi)

Lord Takeshi Kamisato

Kamisato Takeshi was a Japanese-born alumnus of Teyvat Academy. He was the head of the wealthy and noble Kamisato family in Japan, and the father of famous model, Kamisato Ayato, and Kamisato Ayaka. He married Shimamura Kayo, who he met and fell in love with during his years at Teyvat Academy. He is the grandson of Kamisato Nariaki.


Early Life

Takeshi was born the eldest son of the head of the Kamisato family, and the grandson of Kamisato Nariaki. He was born the distant cousin of Yukimura Saori, but the Kamisato family denied any relation or connection to the Yukimura family - particularly Yukimura Saori and her mother Yukimura Kuri.  

Education at Teyvat Academy

While at Teyvat Academy, Takeshi was in the Inazuma Dorm and was part of the Tri-Commission - the Inazuma Dorm's varsity teams, specifically a part of the sub-unit, the Yashiro Commission and was even a captain of one of the teams. He was also a part of the Inazuma Shogunate, the Inazuma Student Council.   He was in the same class as Kaedehara Kazuki - the son of his father's good friends, Kaedehara Hisamichi and Aemi, Nishihara Kanaha, Shimamura Kayo, Fujimori Jun'ichi, Hino Naozane, and Yukimura Saori, and was in the same year as Mondstadt Class student Alice Neuner - who he knew well due to her friendship with Hino Naozane.   While he was on good terms with most of them, even started dating Shimamura Kayo when they were sixteen in May 2005, Yukimura Saori was the only one who he barely spoke to despite being in the same class as her, and on the Yashiro Commission Kendo team with her and had been since their first year, alongside Kaedehara Kazuki. Takeshi made it clear to her that he wouldn't treat her disrespectfully because of what happened, as she was still a daughter of a noble family - even if Saori and Kuri were all that remained of it, but that he hated her for Kamisato Aisa's death.   In 2007, Takeshi, Saori, Kazuki and Kayo competed in the 2006-2007 Season Regionals of the Japan Schools' Kendo competition in the Under 19s category. As their final year, Takeshi, Kayo, and Kazuki were trying their best for their team - however, such a feat was not always easy with Saori who, as a member of the Yukimura family as therefore possessing incredible combat skills, always placed in the upper half of competitions. While there were multiple occasions where they placed higher than her in both the 2006-2007 competitions and also past competitions, Takeshi was also aware that Saori did not compete with all her skill like her Yukimura predecessors might have done. But he kept this to himself as he felt that it didn't concern him.   That was until the Regionals and Nationals competitions of 2007. In the Regionals, Saori barely qualified for the Nationals, as only the top 10 competitors of the Regionals would pass onto the Nationals and Saori placed 9th. Takeshi didn't look into it too much but did note with Kayo and Kazuki that Saori had seen distracted the whole competition. But it wasn't until the Nationals that it clicked for him.   That year, the Nationals competition fell on the same week of the anniversary of Kamisato Aisa's death. Takeshi would usually spend the whole week with his family, grieving Aisa's death, but was unable to due to the competition. While talking with Kayo, Kazuki and a few others competitors, he was asked why he seemed a little off and distracted and explained the reasons why. His fellow competitors expressed their condolences but Takeshi replied that he was okay, and that he wouldn't let him affect how he performed as Aisa had once been a competitor and he wanted to make her proud. One of the competitors, who also came from a noble Japanese family and therefore knew of the situation, commented that his strength was commendable, especially when he was attending the competition with "Aisa' killer", specifically targeting Saori - who had been nearby.   The other competitors, who were in the dark, asked him what he meant and he replied that Saori was a cursed child and that it was her fault that the Kamisatos lost a family member and that Takeshi was grieving while he had to compete, commenting that she must be so heartless to compete alongside him. Kazuki tried to get him to be quiet - knowing the full situation and also knowing how his mother, Aemi, felt about Saori and Yukimura Kuri, but the boy continued. The boy's words also unsettled and discomforted Takeshi, who also the whole truth, but he stayed silent.   To the surprise of the whole group, however, Saori snapped, finally joining in on the conversation and saying that Takeshi and the Kamisatos may have lost one family member but she lost her entire family that month, and that they had no right to give Takeshi so much sympathy and her so little because Aisa may have been a distant cousin of Takeshi's but she was Saori's grandmother - which was something that the other competitors, minus Takeshi and Kazuki, knew as the Kamisatos usually denied being related to Kuri or Saori. After that Saori stormed off.   To Kayo and Kazuki's shock, Takeshi followed her, confronting her about what happened. Saori apologised for what she said, but said that it was also ridiculous that the boy, but also Takeshi and the rest of the Japanese aristocrats, were blaming her for what happened to Aisa and Kujou Shohei when she was a baby who had only barely been born. She turned to leave again with a final apology and saying that knew how Takeshi was feeling, and that it truly was commendable that he remained steadfast in his desire to do well. Takeshi replied that he didn't forgive her, and said that he was determined to personally beat her in the competition that year so she better not lose any of her matches before she faced him. Saori didn't say anything and left.   Despite not promising she would, Saori did make it to the top three with Takeshi, even beating Kazuki with resolute swiftness - despite that Kazuki had always been mostly neutral and sometimes even a little friendly with her and that she had always held back with Kazuki in matches in years past and during practices. Saori and Takeshi both won their second-to-last matches (Saori vs. Kazuki and Takeshi vs. the boy who had called Saori cursed). Takeshi, despite how he publicly told Saori and others his opinion of her, made sure to also complete overpower his opponent due to his hate and anger for him - he didn't admit it but privately knew that his anger was because of what the boy had said about Saori and how it made Saori snap, when she had always taken that kind of talk about her family with little reaction.   In the resulting bronze match, the boy who had insulted Saori beat Kazuki - although it was a close match due to Kazuki's own anger over what he had said. And following after was Saori and Takeshi's match for 1st and 2nd place. At first, Takeshi had the upper hand but Saori quickly overpowered him as he had made her promise not to hold back against him. As the fight was drawing to a close, it seemed Saori would win. But it was all a ploy by Saori. At the end of the fight, Takeshi moved to strike out at Saori in a move he knew deep-down would never work and would probably get him beaten but, to his shock, ended up defeating Saori. To Kazuki, Kayo and the other competitors, it looked like Takeshi had genuinely overpowered Saori and won, but Takeshi knew something was up. As such, he confronted Saori again in private after the competition.   Saori told him she didn't know what he was talking about, that he won fair and square and that she was glad that he could make Kamisato Aisa and also his father and grandfather proud by winning the competition for the first time (as there were only three occasions where a member of their Yashiro Commission team had one 1st place, twice by Saori in years prior and one by Takeshi in their final competition) - especially as Takeshi had only once achieved a top-three spot before then and it had been a 3rd place spot. Although Saori denied knowing anything, Takeshi realised upon thinking back on the conversation and the match that he had won because Saori had let him - she allowed Takeshi's final move in the match to defeat her because she knew that Takeshi was doing this for Kamisato Aisa who Saori loved and grieved as Aisa's granddaughter but also who she felt guilt about as it was Saori's birth that brought such misfortune onto the Yukimura family.   While he never spoke about it with Saori afterwards, his opinion and respect for Saori greatened considerably for her - even if he didn't outwardly express it. Takeshi graduated in July 2007 alongside Kayo, Kazuki, Kanaha (who Kazuki had started dating), Saori, Jun'ichi, Naozane and Alice, and married Kayo soon afterwards.   Not long after his marriage, his father passed down the title of head of the family, despite remaining living. Alongside the title and the main Kamisato Estate and wealth, Takeshi also inherited a debt to the Fujimori family - for their help in preventing the Kamisato family from falling into ruin during the time that Kamisato Nariaki was the head. The debt still maintained as the Fujimori had yet to cash the debt in.  

Birth of Ayato and Ayaka

Two years after his marriage to Kayo, the couple gave birth to their first child, a boy that they called Ayato in March 2009. And then a year later in September 2010, Kayo gave birth to their second child, a daughter called Ayaka.  

Yukimura Kuri's death

In 2013, Yukimura Kuri died, and Takeshi's father, Takehide, secluded himself away for a month to privately grieve - as he had publicly stated his hatred of Kuri and Saori and therefore could only grieve in private. Takeshi was one of the few members of the Kamisato family to know why his father had shut himself away, and regularly visited him to talk to him. While his mother expressed her distaste for it after what Kuri had done by bringing Saori into the world, Takeshi, after garnering his new respect for Saori during their school years, understood why his father grieved despite his public opinion.   Although he never admitted and denied any knowledge of the topic, it is believed that he also attended Kuri's funeral in secret and left behind a letter for Saori to comfort her.

Marriage Arrangement with the Fujimori Family

In January 2018, the Fujimori family finally cashed in the debt that the Kamisato family owed them. They had been hit by a drought that had killed all their silk flowers and their family were on the brink of bankruptcy - however, this was not made aware to the Kamisato family.   The debt was cashed in by the current head of the Fujimori family, Fujimori Jun'ichi, asking Takeshi to accept an arranged marriage between his almost-nine-year-old son, Ayato, and Jun'ichi's newborn daughter, Yukiko - a marriage to go into effect after Yukiko's nineteenth birthday. As the Kamisatos owed the Fujimoris, Takeshi agreed - despite the fact that he wasn't allowed to see Yukiko at all over the next nine years. Despite the Fujimori family's attempt to bury the situation so that the Kamisatos would never know the truth even if everyone else did, Takeshi, after a bit of asking around about Yukiko, did learnt that there were rumours that Yukiko was the illegitimate daughter of Jun'ichi and Yukimura Saori - who had seem to disappear from society following her mother's death in 2013. Despite acquiring this knowledge, he didn't say anything to his wife or other family members and didn't comfront the Fujimoris, remaining silent about it and feigning ignorance - allowing the arranged marriage to go ahead and giving his son a chance to develop his own opinion of Yukiko without the influence of the prior knowledge of her heritage - for Yukiko truly had nothing to do with that happened.  


In April 2027, when Takeshi's son, Ayato, was eighteen and his daughter, Ayaka, was sixteen, Takeshi passed away from an illness, prematurely passing down the title of family head to Ayato.
Date of Birth
3rd of February, 1989
Date of Death
17th of April, 2027
1989 CE 2017 CE 28 years old
Hachimantai-shi, Iwate Prefecture, Tōhoku, Japan
Place of Death
Hachimantai-shi, Iwate Prefecture, Tōhoku, Japan
He / Him
Light purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation