A fishing town on the *Cygnet River, Saltmarsh is the northernmost settlement in the belt of colonies on the east coast of Gethen known as the Light Coast. It is the capital of *Hool Colony, ruled by the King of the Albi. It is governed by the Lord Reeve, currently Eustace Osgood, who rules in the stead of his king. While Lord Reeve is a magister who administers the King's Justice, the town itself is ruled by a Council composed of four syndics. When the Council is deadlocked, the Lord Reeve casts the deciding vote.
Saltmarsh is a farming and fishing community of roughly 2000 people. Its single biggest enterprise is the saltern to the north of the town, as well as a saltery, where herring caught off the coast are prepared and loaded into barrels. Additionally, Saltmarsh is a transshipment center, from where goods from Erya and other parts of the world are reexported to other colonies.
Hool Colony, as a crown colony of the King of the Albi, patronizes the *Behram Qu - one of the sects of the Religion of Light. Its Whitetower is the tallest structure in town, and the bells atop the Tower call the faithful to prayer and warn them of danger. But the authorities of Hool Colony are guided by tolerance, so the *Harpers' *Courtyard of Fire and the Faith of the Nine's Serene Temple of the Ennead are also accepted in Saltmarsh.
The town is protected by the ocean on one side, and a 18-foot wall on the other. To the north, stretches the great Hool Marsh - home to lizardfolk, bullywugs, and other natives. The provision of the Treaty of Whitehaven that ended the Goblin Wars a decade ago prohibits town residents from venturing there without special permission.
Governed by Town Council elected by notables (4 members)
Ruled by King of the Albi through his appointed Lord Reeve of Hool Colony, who presides over the Council
18-foot wall encircling city on the western edge
Industry & Trade
Saltern (owned by Alston Salley)
Herring export
Reexport (largely controlled by Ferdous Crugg)
Shipping (largely controlled by Jasper Smiel)
Founded 20 years ago
Natural Resources
Salt, fish
Founding Date
3248 SA