Dalton Roth

As seen in
Dalton Roth is an experienced and well-liked 35-year-old Human male who was recently promoted to IPC field agent after many years as a researcher for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He is tall and slender at 6'3" with dark brown hair and blue eyes.   He has been practicing transcendental meditation since childhood and his skill level has increased dramatically since entering the field. In addition to being very knowledgeable of occult lore, Roth can read people and pick up on the emotions of others. Although Roth isn't the most aggressive or assertive of people, he's not one to be overlooked either. His calm demeanor can be deceiving, however; he does not hesitate to use force when necessary.   Roth began training to be an FBI field agent shortly after college graduation and joined the bureau full-time soon after. Over the past several years, he's gained valuable experience working alongside agents from various backgrounds. He is currently stationed in Tall Pines, Ghostwood.   During a routine stakeout in New Orleans, Roth was attacked by a serial killer known as The Stalker, who was later revealed to be a vampire. Roth's partner and mentor, James Ostermann, died during the attack. Afterward, Roth went into a depression and left the Bureau for a time to recover from the loss. Upon returning, he received counseling from psychologist Dr. William Larkin, and Roth eventually returned to active duty. Since then, he has become an exceptional field agent, working tirelessly to stop serial killers and other criminals. Roth is a dedicated investigator who is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to solve difficult cases. He was recruited to the IPC by Vigil because of his dedication to solving and intuitive (possibly psychic) investigative abilities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is tall and slender at 6'3" with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Special abilities

Roth's intuition and investigative abilities through meditation is so successful that it borders on near-psychic ability. Roth doesn't like to indulge the idea of "unique power" as he believes this method is obtainable by any human--nonetheless, it has proven to be insightful towards unconsidered paths of investigation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During a stakeout operation in New Orleans, Roth was attacked by a serial killer later identified as "The Stalker," who was subsequently revealed to be a vampire. Agent James Ostermann, Roth's partner and mentor, was killed during the incident. Roth experienced a significant period of depression and took a leave of absence from the Bureau.

Mental Trauma

Post-trauma, Roth underwent psychological counseling with Dr. William Larkin and has been cleared for active duty. Displays above-average dedication and a keen intuitive sense that verges on psychic abilities.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Agent Roth is a committed investigator, whose range of skills—both conventional and occult—provide a balanced asset to the IPC. Despite suffering from personal losses, his resilience and adaptive coping mechanisms make him a strong candidate for high-stakes, emotionally charged cases.


Contacts & Relations

Roth was scouted and recruited by Vigil, primarily due to his tireless dedication to solving complex cases and potentially psychic investigative abilities. His skill set is considered a valuable asset in the IPC's ongoing investigations into the surge of paranatural occurrences in Ghostwood.
Current Location
Dark brown, almost black
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Documents: IPC Case File: IPC-1002-DR
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