Graham Heven

Heven was born and raised in London, England. When he graduated from Oxford University with a B.S. in Criminal Psychology, he moved to the United States and started working at the Federal Bureau of Investigation originally as a serial killer profiler. He began picking up odd evidence at scenes that threw his psychological understanding of killers for a loop. That lead him down a rabbit hole of supernatural research which he began to obsess over. He stepped down from the FBI and became a rogue bounty hunter, pursuing paranatural beings across the country. When not working, he spends most of his time alone in a hotel room. He has developed an obsession with finding Vampires, but refuse to admit this publicly because it would make him seem crazy. In private, he talks to himself about how he would be willing to become a monster to stop all evil. He is recruited to join the IPC by Terrence Vigil, who knows of paranatural bounty hunters that do contract work for the FBI from time to time. Graham is one of the best, if not the actual best hunter out there. His mind is open to any sort of world or idea so he gets to know his prey easily.
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Related Documents: IPC Case File: IPC-1004-GH
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