
Claims to be God of Darkness

Sardonicus (a.k.a. Jester from the Black Lagoon)

Sardonicus is a malevolent trickster being shrouded in literal darkess, operating with an unknown ability (thought to be an unidentified form of mischief magic) to travel through any shadow in the universe and effectively multiply himself and appear in countless places at one time. He is a successful, but darkly sarcastic charmer in conversation, and uses his observations to play into his victims' fears of the dark.

Divine Domains

He claims to be the Cosmic God of Darkness, however no such god is known to exist (not even to the Soul Archons), casting doubt on his claims--given his sarcastic personality. His origins remain unknown.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Self-Copy: Sardonicus can multiply himself a seeming endless amount of times, causing confusion and chaos.
  • Traversal by Shadow: The ability to use shadows as limitless portals.
  • Omnipresence: The ability to be anywhere, infinitely at any given time, simply by extending himself through any shadow.
  • Mind Manipulation: Sardonicus' mere presence tends to make mortals gaze into their own dark soul. After all, the abyss is gazing back. Because of this, mortals are easily convinced to do heinous deeds or easily fall into a slumber when encountering Sardonicus.
  • Shadow Illusion: The ability to make objects disappear and fall into their own shadow. This can also be used on mortals and as a way to recall objects from any visible point.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sardonicus' first appearance is in Issue No. 1 where he is seen robbing a jewelry store.


Contacts & Relations

He has recently been in league with the Doom Enclave, while operating on his own as well. His intentions are unclear but he seems to not directly take life, despite often putting victims at risk of dying due to his fiendish antics.
Divine Classification
Cosmic God
Current Status
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Wild, unkempt, matted black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure black, biological leather carapace with white face and limbs
6’3” but 5’10” due to hunched posture
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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