Soul Archons

A unique and extremely secret collective of eight cosmic deities who have manifested physical avatars to exert their dominion over life across the universe. Although they’ve originated from the Cosmic Realm, they’ve chosen to materialize in the physical plane, enabling them to interact directly with the life forms they preside over. Their primary motive is to uphold their divine authority, a goal they justify with the pretext of maintaining cosmic equilibrium. However, this narrative is largely a smokescreen designed to mask their true desire for power and supremacy. Their interest in the White Crystal a fragment of the original source of the Big Bang, stems from its extraoridnary potential to bestow ominpotence to any user who possesses it. Despite their godliness and immense power, the Soul Archons are not without vulnerabilities. Their physical avatars, though formidable, can be defeated. Their complex abilities and full extent of their influence remain enigmatic, further enhancing their perceived threat level to anything aware of their existence.


There were once nine Soul Archons, the ninth being the avatar for Creation. This avatar eventually sacrificed itself in a supposedly selfless act that became mythology throughout the universe. However, the Soul Archons have painted over history. Creation was a twisted and demented, slap-happy god that loved to create life to watch how it would struggle or adapt with the limitations or specific biology he would ensure the living beings would possess.
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