Scatch Dystord

Scatch Dystord

With his hulking frame, deep red skin, and massive horns jutting straight up from his forehead, Scatch Dystord cuts an imposing figure that belies his oddly mellow temperament. He is not just a Devil, but the Devil--the forefather of every demon race, his biological imprint is a dark undercurrent that flows through the demon world. But Scatch has stepped back from the cosmic hustle, finding an unexpected solace in his later years.   Unlike many of his malevolent kin, Scatch has grown into a devil of surprising complexity. His long black hair now falls over a visage that's softened by the years and his curmudgeonly attitude. Though he still carries the capacity for malevolence, he's opted for a quieter existence, far removed from the devilish politics and cosmic struggles.   Retiring to an isolated farm, he lives a simpler life amidst an eclectic community of goblins, dwarves, elves, and gnomes. For Scatch, their diligent work, the tillage of the earth, and the basic, honest labor offer a kind of therapy. He's taken up carpentry, his gnarled hands surprisingly delicate as they carve both functional tools and intricate trinkets.   Scatch's relationships with his sons—Oberon, Lucius, and Candy-Face Jack—are rooted in an emotional landscape that he navigates with awkward compassion. He loves them in his own gruff way, proud of the cosmic mark they're making but glad he's distanced himself from their celestial melodrama. He's happy to let them chase power and legacy while he whittles away on a piece of enchanted wood.   Don't mistake his rustic lifestyle as an abandonment of his dark roots; Scatch remains a devil to the core. But it's precisely his acknowledgment of his own malevolence that allows him to step back, to find peace in moments that don't demand the darker aspects of his nature. After countless eons, he's content to let the world turn without him, choosing a life of hammers and nails over one of fire and brimstone. And yet, the cosmic universe knows well that underestimating Scatch Dystord would be a devil of a mistake.


Scatch Dystord


Towards Enna



Towards Scatch Dystord

Current Status
Current Location
Enna (spouse)
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