Magic Kings

The family’s matriarch is Enna, who carries the title of Cosmic God of Energy. A highly skilled druid who merged with the god Manatos, she oversees all schools of magic. Enna’s focus is twofold: the quest for omnipotence and the resurrection of her sister, Alaigna, whom she lost in a death magic ritual. Enna’s connection to the origin of magic in the world is unparalleled, as she birthed the first three High Demon Kings after coupling with Scatch Dystord, a Devil.   Speaking of Scatch, he stands as the patriarch and an enigma of the family. He’s a Progenitor Devil, making him a genetic forefather of all demon races. Though steeped in malevolence, Scatch has taken a unique path in his later years. He lives a quiet, pastoral life on a farm, surrounded by goblins, dwarves, elves, and gnomes. His interest in carpentry showcases a contemplative side, a stark contrast to his family’s grand aspirations and cosmic responsibilities.   Oberon Solun, the eldest of the three brothers, is the High Demon King of White Magic. He’s a figure of moral uprightness, which also serves as his flaw. Oberon is unyieldingly stubborn in his ethical stances, often viewing himself as superior to his brothers due to his alignment with the forces of light. His righteousness is both his strength and his weakness, as he imposes his beliefs on others with an air of unyielding judgment.   Lucius Malfacent, the middle child, embodies the essence of Black Magic. As the High Demon King of this school, he’s a menacing figure, perpetually shrouded in darkness. Lucius is driven by grand ambitions, notably to ascend into the Cosmic Realm, the home of the Soul Archons. He seeks to supplant the waning Cosmic God of Evil, Lucite, with himself. His mastery over black magic serves not just as a form of power but also as a constant expansion of his own myth and influence over susceptible souls.   Then there’s Candy-Face Jack, the youngest and the most unpredictable. Known as the High Demon King of Trickster/Chaos Magic, he’s the true wildcard of the family. Jack doesn’t just specialize in chaos magic; he is also proficient in black and white magic, making him the most versatile and possibly the most powerful among the brothers. His dual-colored skin pigmentation symbolizes his erratic morality, a perfect metaphor for his chaotic nature. Jack also holds the unique position of being a Soul Archon, as well as the avatar of the God of Humor, Jovinitt.   Together, this family is the fulcrum on which the magical world balances. They are the Magic Brothers family, each member playing a significant role in shaping the magical and cosmic tapestry, from the humble pastures of a Devil’s farm to the farthest reaches of universal energies.
Family Leader
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