
The Soulexus is a technological apparatus designed by Morton Caldwell for the Institute for Paranatural Control. Constructed from a specialized alloy of gold and silver, the device incorporates a base vat containing a concentrated form of human Soul. This substance circulates through the machine, interacting with a series of centrally located crystals that serve as the device's operational core. Originally intended for universal applicability, the Soulexus has shown limitations in its functionality, particularly with respect to paranatural entities.   The device operates on two primary functionalities. The first allows IPC agents to peer into the mind and soul of human subjects, providing intimate insights into thoughts, emotions, and intentions. The second function serves a more controversial purpose: the manipulation and control of a subject's actions and decisions by interfacing directly with their soul.   However, it has been determined that the Soulexus is unable to hack into the souls of paranatural creatures without additional calibration. To enable this feature, a sample of the creature's soul and genetic material must be obtained and integrated into the device's database. This requirement has led to a subsidiary branch within the IPC, specifically focused on the collection and analysis of genetic and soul-based material from paranatural beings.   The possession and use of the Soulexus by the IPC have raised significant ethical questions, not only concerning the agency's governance of paranatural phenomena but also the metaphysical implications of soul manipulation. Its utilization forms a critical part of IPC's strategic approach to the paranatural crisis enveloping the state of Ghostwood.   Despite its potential for abuse, the device is regarded as an indispensable tool by the IPC in their efforts to understand and control the escalating occurrences of paranatural activity. Kept under stringent security measures, the Soulexus epitomizes the IPC's commitment to leveraging advanced technology, albeit controversial, in mitigating the complexities of the paranatural realm. The device remains a cornerstone, albeit a morally ambiguous one, in the IPC's arsenal for combatting the multifaceted challenges posed by paranatural phenomena.
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Creation Date
October 31, 1977
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