An unholy Abhorre Demon with a millennia-long history, the creature only known as The BEAST was once the epitome of malevolent strength and dark manipulation. Possessing the might to fell empires and corrupt even the most stalwart of souls, he could marshal forces of darkness to bend mortals to his twisted will. Yet, for all his immense power, he found himself enchained in a forsaken fighting pit deep within Westonhood, a hellish arena devised by the devout monks who worshiped the fading Soul Archons.   He was their eternal champion, a living weapon consigned to bloody gladiatorial servitude. This pit, this cage of torment and humiliation, was forged to break those who dared to defy the sacrosanct Tenets of the Universe. Over the course of three millennia, ownership of the pit changed hands like a cursed relic—different orders, cults, even military factions took over, but the BEAST remained, undefeated yet broken.   Time wears down all things, even the malevolent heart of a demon. Exhausted by the ceaseless conflict, by the perpetual oscillation between good and evil, the BEAST found himself craving the most banal of things—peace. His millennia in captivity had ironically refined him, taming the feral darkness within. Now, against all odds, he had become something akin to a decent being, if one can overlook his monstrous exterior. Loyalty to those he now calls friends has replaced his once-endless appetite for destruction.


Hobbies & Pets

Over the endless stretch of his imprisonment, he's picked up a peculiar skill: mixology. Different masters had different vices, and the BEAST found a quiet solace in the art of concocting both alcoholic and mystical potions. What was once a command from his captors became an avenue for his newfound creativity. Now, he stirs potions and mixes drinks with the precision of an alchemist, finding in each cocktail a transient moment of respite, an ephemeral pause in his everlasting fight for a peace that always eludes him.
Current Status
Mystically bound to an ancient fighting pit.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rock-like hide, binding tattoos
431 lb
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