Abhorre Demon

These entities stand as the pinnacle of demonic wrath, unparalleled in their sheer strength and enduring fury. Unlike lesser demonic forms, Abhorre Demons manifest an innate resistance to mortal weaponry and magical means of eradication. Their very existence is an affront to the natural order, serving as the foundational inspiration for the term "abomination."   Physical prowess aside, they possess a command over dark energies that allows them to manipulate mortal will, siphon life forces, and enact immense destruction. Given their near-immortal nature, conventional methods of extermination prove futile. Typically, such demons are either banished to distant realms, eternally bound to particular objects or locations, or rendered ethereal through highly specialized magical curses.   In the grand hierarchy of demonic entities, the Abhorre Demon is considered the ultimate weapon of devastation, to be invoked only in circumstances of absolute necessity. More often, they serve as dormant seeds of catastrophe, bound by archaic spells and stored away in hidden locations—potent, dangerous, and eternally waiting.
Abhorre Demon
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