The Myth of Kapa-Nui


The myth details something called the "Universal God of Hellfire," known as Kapa-Nui to his followers and those who feared him. He existed in a separate realm and would cross over into the earthly plane to rupture volcanos if sacrifices were not made in his name. He had the ability to create or destroy entire islands based on his whims. As such, he was seen as having power equal to that of a volcano god. He is reported throughout the city of Moa's ancient history and cultural artifacts--often being equated with disaster.   Supposedly, there was a great, fiery cataclysm thousands of years ago, Moa--which scholars cite as likely being off the coast of Lost Valley--reportedly sunk into the ocean, and many lives were lost. This event was attributed to the actions of the Kapu-Nui, and his followers.   Eventually, the survivors of Moa banded together and snuffed out the volcano of Kapa-Nui by filling it with the ash of their destroyed city--their collective grief and perseverance overpowered Kapa-Nui, who materialized at the foot of the volcano. The people of Moa cursed Kapa-Nui into a stone jar--which has been lost to time. It is said that if this jar were reunited with the fires of Mt. Moa, Kapa-Nui would return.

Historical Basis

The myth of Kapa-Nui likely represents the unpredictable disaster of the Mt. Moa volcano in Lost Valley. Around the carbon-dating of these documents, the volcano was heavily active and its geological history shows that there were several cataclysmic events one-after-the-other.   The cursing of Kapa-Nui into a jar by the survivors of Moa likely represents their culture being able to survive and move forward despite the great loss. By putting the spirit of the event into a jar, community leaders are able to "keep" and "possess" the story as a part of their culture as a way of paying respects to the dead.
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