Background Career: Computer Nerd in Ghuant | World Anvil

Background Career: Computer Nerd

These guys are the ones you hated at school, the ones that locked in lockers and flushed their heads down the toilet, but when grew up THEY are the ones with power, not muscle but the power of the computer. They learned how to code because of you, and maybe got good enough to pay you back in high school. Self-taught code warrior hacking your bank account or changing all your grades in college to Fs. You use your VR rig and jack in for the real experience.   note computer nerds can never get licences for cyberdeck, they normally use    Qualification EDU 14+ -1 to roll every career already done.
roll mission Survival(Int) Cash(EDU) XP bonus
1-5 Bully Payback 4 15 14
6-9 Hacking computer games 5 14 17
10-13 Stealing programs 7 14 13
14-19 Testing Secure systems 9 6 15
20 White Hat actions 6 8 12

These are the ranks, some ranks grant Benefits.

Rank Title
0 Dewib
1 Geek Computer Use(Any)
2 Dork
3 Techie Computer Use(Any)
4 Brain
5 Bookworm Computer Use(Any)
6 Nerd Skill Focus (Computer Use)
1d6 Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injuries and Medical Coverage ). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 A criminal or other figure under investigation offers you a deal. Accept, and you leave this career without further penalty (although you lose the Benefit roll as normal). Refuse, and you must roll twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the lower result. You gain an Enemy( See Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies ) and any skill you choose.
3 An investigation goes critically wrong or leads to the top, ruining your career. Roll Diplomacy DC 12 If you succeed, you may keep the Benefit roll from this term. If you roll 2, you must take the Prisoner career in your next term.
4 You learn something you should not know, and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy(See Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies ) and Bluff skill
5 Your work ends up coming home with you, and someone gets hurt. Choose one of your Contacts, Allies or family members, and roll twice on the Injury Table for them, taking the lower result.
6 Injured. Roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage

The Event table roll once per Term. See Career Skills for skills gained.

2d6_Roll Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 Your success brings ruin to another group of coders. Gain 1d3 Rivals or an Enemy.
13 You are involved in a hack in the net. Throw Int DC 12, and roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage table regardless. If pass Gain an extra throw on your Benefit roll.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous hack. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw.
15 An investigation takes a dangerous turn. Throw Streetwise DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage . If you succeed, gain Bluff or gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
16-20 You are gaining some fame as a net hacker. Gain Diplomacy or +1 Social Standing.
21 Captured a server! You are instrumental in capturing a server full of illegal data. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement roll
22 You go undercover to investigate an enemy. Roll Bluff DC 12. If you succeed, roll immediately on the Rogue Events Table If you fail, roll immediately on the Rogue Mishap Table.
23 You are sent undercover. Gain one as career skill: Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis , Gambler, Bluff, or Stealth
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff DC 12 to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 You are caught in a data dump and can try to save a fellow hacker. If you try to save them, throw Dexterity DC 12. If you succeed, gain an Ally. If you fail, gain a Rival. No matter what you decide, roll on Injuries and Medical Coverage
26-30 You are tested for Psionic potential. If your Psionic strength is 7+, you may transfer to the Psion career without having to make a Qualification roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You are taken on by an expected Hacker Add Computer Use (Any) and +1 advancement
42 Fighter Pilot. You learn to control a fighter in a simulator. Gain Pilot
43 You find a clash of education files that can be sold to students. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
44 You find a specialist training program in vehicles. Gain Pilot and Repair.
45 You go above and beyond the call of duty. Gain +2 to your next Advancement check and gain Computer Use (any)
46-48 Your efforts uncover a major conspiracy against your hack community. You are automatically promoted and gave Computer Use(Any)
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1.
52 You are sent undercover. Gain one skill Restricted Skills: Gambling INT , Bluff or Stealth.
53 Your crew is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon the post. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity DC 12, If you fail, lose your benefit throw for this Year. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
54 Offered an implant to increase your combat skills. Gain non combat Implant Benefit( see Rewards and benefits )
55 Trapped! Your icon gets Locked. Roll DEX DC 12. If you fail, you are captured and sent to Prisoner . If you succeed, you evade capture until help arrives. Take Stealth, COmputer Use(Any) and +2 on Advancement Roll.
56-60 Urban Assault! You are part of an assault on a major server. Roll DEX DC 12. If you succeed, you shoot an AI keeping your unit pinned down. Gain Computer Use Skill Focus or other skill if have. and gain an Ally. If you fail, you resort to a data bomb to kill the AI after several of your crew are wounded. Take Engineering and 1d3 rivals
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid and Computer Use(Any)
62 You have the chance to save a senior hacker. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain an Ally(see Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies ), and an automatic promotion.
63 Vehicle. you hack a full computerize vehicle which is illegal anyways. Gain the Personal Vehicle benefit. See Rewards and benefits
64 TAS Membership. A wealthy patron takes an interest in you, offering you free membership into the Traveller Aid Society, for a favor. If you accept you gain free TAS Membership but you owe a patron a favor. Add a contact (see Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies )
65 A hacker buddy retires and sells ships. Gain 1d3 Ship Shares and contact
66 Your work has been exceptional; You get an upgrade on your computer systems. Gain computer system benefit see Rewards and benefits

Mustering Out

2d6 Cash Benefit
2 None Age Reversal
3 None High Passage
4 1000 Contact
5 5000 +1 Int
6 10000 +1 EDU
7 20000 Weapon
8 30000 Cyber Deck
9 50000 Vehicle
10 100000 Ally
11 125000 +1 SOC
12 150000 TAS
13 Roll Twice Roll Twice
Background Career: Alternate class abilities  

Superior Computer Use

This ability will improve as you get better in this career.  

Improvised Device

Prerequisite: At Rank 3 Sometimes you find yourself without the necessary equipment to perform cracking and hacking actions. That’s okay, at the very least you have your phone, and you’ve worked with less. You can get your full skill even if you don't have a full system to use Computer Use with.  

Search Engine

Prerequisite: Level 4, At Rank 4 You’ve spent plenty of time looking things up on the internet. You’ve learned the tricks to getting good results. Spend an additional action to gain+2 a circumstance bonus to any Recall Knowledge check if you have access to the internet per move action given up, if at rank 6 can give up 2 move actions for +4.  

Automate Code

Prerequisite: Level 5, At Rank 5 You can create a program that automates some computer actions for you. This code attempts a Hack or Crack check. Roll as normal using your Computers Skill. You do not have to have to actively be at the device for the check to succeed, but it takes twice as long, e.g. three action hack now takes six actions, the 1-minute hack takes 2 minutes, etc.  

Superior Programming

Prerequisite: Level 7 Rank 6 Your code has gotten so advanced that it surpasses your skill in computers. When you use Automate Code, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check.