Background Career: Politician

By force of will and personality, this person wants to influence the world around them. Whether for ideology, to help people, or just for the thrill of power, a Politician is driven by ambition.   Qualification: Edu or Soc 6+ –1 for every previous career.   While you are in office you can use the Govt and New Laws rules to push through any new laws of your making.
Roll 1d20 Survival(SOC/EDU) Promo(Int/EDU) ExE/Worker
1-5 4 17 Getting into Office
6-10 6 13 Networking
11-13 5 14 Fundraising
14-17 7 11 Supporters
18-19 8 10 Passing Law
20 5 9 2nd Term!

These are the ranks, some ranks grant Benefits.

Rank Politician
0 Legislator Diplomacy
1 Technocrat SOC+1
2 Officer Cha +1, Restricted Skill: Administration WIS
3 Prime Rank Sense motive, Gain Restricted Skill: Liaison
4 Apparatchik Cha +1, Restricted Skill: Advocate EDU 
5 Leader Restricted Skills: Recruiting EDU
6 Politician SOC+1
2d6 Mishap
2 Assassin! – You are severely injured in an assassination attempt. Roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
3 Banished – A election goes terribly wrong and you are banished from your society. You must take the Drifter career next term.
4 Collaborator – You are caught giving succor to the enemy. Roll Diplomacy 12+ to clear your name or take –1 Social Standing and go to prison next term
5 Corruption – You are implicated in corruption, and must resign. Roll Diplomacy 12+ to avoid losing –1 Social Standing.
6 Cover-Up – You are exposed as perpetrating a cover-up. Roll Bluff 12+ or go to prison next term, though you get to keep this term's Benefit throw because of the loyalty of your political masters
7 Ruined – You are accused of a perceived perversion. Though innocent, your reputation is in tatters. –1 Social Standing.
8 Conflict – You are implicated in a conflict of interest, and must resign
9 Lost Election – Your faction loses a big election, and you are the scapegoat. Roll Diplomacy 12+ to keep your Benefit throw this term.
10 Brought Low – A Rival manages to bring you down. Roll Diplomacy 12+ or an Ally becomes an Enemy.
11 Exposed – You are exposed by the media in a scandal. Your Allies become Enemies, and you lose –1 Social Standing.
12 Exile – Your faction loses a terrible fight, and you must go into exile.

The Event table roll once per Term. See Career Skills for skills gained.

2d6 Roll Event
11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 You leave the cut and thrust for a spell to spend some more time with your family. Take a –2 DM to your next Advancement roll, but gain either Handle Animals, Craft(Any), or Sense Motive
13 You work as a community organizer. Gain 1d3 Contacts
14 You volunteer your time for charity work. Roll Intelligence 12+, if you succeed it helps your career, gaining a +2 to your next Advancement roll and an Ally. If you fail take a –2 to your Advancement roll and gain a Rival who seeks to capitalize on your misfortune.
15 You are given the opportunity for graft. If you go for it, roll Bluff 12+ to gain an extra Benefit throw. Fail and take –1 Social Standing as your corruption is discovered. If you resist temptation you can walk away with no penalty.
16-20 You go undercover within society as a low-level worker, such as a janitor. Gain one of the following: Restricted Skill: Trader Wis , Engineering, or Restricted Skills: Recruiting EDU
21 While observing a society you develop a group of contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts.
22 You learn something about a superior that would ruin their career. If you choose to use it against them, gain a +2 DM on your next Advancement roll and an Enemy. If you don't use it, gain an Ally and a +1 DM on one Benefit roll.
23 Your group is attacked by locals. Throw Dexterity 12+. If you succeed gain Survival, Swim, or Arcomatics. If you fail, roll twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the higher result.
24 You spend some time in the company of one of your most persistent opponents. Roll Diplomacy 12+ to turn an Enemy or Rival into an Ally.
25 You are caught in an explosion and can try to save a fellow sophont. If you try to save them, throw Dexterity 12+. If you succeed, gain an Ally. If you fail, gain a Rival. No matter what you decide, you receive radiation exposure Roll on the Strong exposure table Mutation Rules
26-30 You are tested for Psionic potential. If your Psionic strength is 7+, you may transfer to the Psion career without having to make a Qualification roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You are asked to do something that is legally right, but morally wrong. If you refuse to do it, throw Education 12+. If you succeed, gain Soc +1 and a Rival. If you fail, lose one Social Standing. If you do it, gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
42 You receive advanced training. Throw Education 12+. If you succeed, increase any Career skill you already have by one level.
43 You become involved in psycho-historical research. Gain one level of Psychohistory or Manipulation.
44 You develop a group of contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
45 You go above and beyond the call of duty. Gain +1 Soc or +1 Cha or EDU +1.
46-48 You audit a government department. Roll Computers or Investigate 12+ to gain Bluff, Sense Motive, or Perception
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1 or +1 Cha
52 Your time with nobles gives you a wide range of experiences. Gain one of handle Restricted Skills: Recruiting EDU , Craft Art, Diplomacy or Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis
53 Your department is the source of a major leak. Roll Investigate 12+ to find it, and gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement throw.
54 You are kidnapped for ransom. Throw Stealth 12+ or Bluff 12+ to escape. If you succeed, gain one of Stealth, Survival or Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis, If you fail, -1 DM on one benefit throw.
55 Shot Down. Your transport gets shot down. Roll DEX 12+. If you fail, you are captured and exchanged for other prisoners. Gain DM +1 to your next Advancement Roll. If you succeed, you evade capture until help arrives. Take Stealth and +1 Soc or Cha
56-60 You become a speech writer for your leader. Roll Craft Art 12+ to gain a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll.
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +1 Soc or Cha.
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity 12+ If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage If you succeed, gain an Ally(see Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies ), and +1 Soc or Cha
63 You have to make a decision that is life or death for a group of people. Throw Intelligence 12+. If you succeed, gain an Ally and +1 Social Standing Or Cha. If you fail, gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
64 Travelers Aid Society TAS . A wealthy patron takes an interest in you, offering you free membership into the Traveller Aid Society, for a favor. If you accept you gain free TAS Membership but you owe a patron a favor. Add a contact (see Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies )
65 You are noticed by a superior and given additional responsibility. Gain the noble as an Ally and Diplomacy or +1 Social Standing Or Cha
66 Your work has been exceptional; Add +3 Soc or Cha Gain Restricted Skills: Recruiting EDU

Mustering Out

2d6 Roll Cash Benefit
2 None Age Reversal
3 None Contact
4 None Contact
5 10000 +1 Str
6 10000 +1 Con
7 20000 Ally
8 20000 +1 Dex
9 30000 Weapon
10 40000 Vehicle
11 50000 High Passage
12 100000 Combat Implant
13 Roll Twice Roll Twice