Current Career: Taxman

No group is more feared and better equipped than the Department of Employment Benefits and Taxation Services (DEBTS). Your taxes keep the war machine running, your streets cleaned, and your food grown and delivered. When you don't pay your way you are endangering society scale.   Now all the employers just take the prescribed min amounts and send them to the DEBTS then pass it on to the govt, after using some of the collected money on their own budget(which is reviewed yearly by the govt). It's the freelancers( like the PCs) that they chase down.   The feared Reapers as the debt collectors are known, are the ones that you don't want to know your name. These guys will drop into a middle of a Troll Biker Gang, blow half of them away, and drag whatever is left of their charge back to pay what he owes or be harvested for parts to pay off the debt.   One such Reaper is a legend. Only known as Reaperman, he has a weapon that when it hits you, neatly removes an organ to be sold to cover your debt. If your debt is big enough and it takes something you need like a heart, well that is what you get for not paying your taxes.   Routine Tasks: File reports, operate within organizational guidelines and directives, support fellow agents, apprehend suspects, and debrief.   Wage bonus: 500 cr   Bonus pay: This is added to the monthly pay you get at that officer level.   Tax Free: As long as you work for the Taxman you get your base wage tax-free! Any bonuses or lump sum payouts (like the end of the year) still are tax though. This can be revoked by a Reaper-level Taxman if you have not followed the Taxman code of conduct.                                                                                  
RankEnlistedBenefitsRankOfficerBenefitsPay Bonus
E1 Clerk Paid in Full O1 Collector Sport Hunter
E2 Filer Slippery Maneuver O2 Senior Collector
E3 Auditor O3 Mobile Collector Crossfire
E4 Reviewer Destructive Force O4 Outsourced Collector Dual Weapon Strike +250
E5 Investigator O5 Wandering Collector
E6 Taxman Dive for Cover O6 Repoman Fatal Hit +500
O7 Expect Repoman
O8 Major Repoman Sadistic Strike +750
O9 Reaper Any from lower rank
O10 Star Reaper Any from lower rank
Career ProgressSurvivalAdvancement
Officer Worker EDU 6+ EDU 9 + Rank
Remote Worker CON 8+ Int 7 + Rank
2 Serious Injury – throw twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and keep the lowest result.
3 A job goes wrong, forcing you to flee your homeland and your fired.
4 Betrayed – You are betrayed by another agent. Change one of your Allies or Contacts into an Enemy or Rival. If you have no Contacts or Allies, then the betrayal was from a stranger and you still gain an Enemy.
5 An investigation goes critically wrong or leads to the top, ruining your career. Throw Bluff 12+. If you succeed, you may keep the benefit throw from this term but you are fired.
6 A criminal or other figure under investigation offers you a deal. Accept and you leave this career without further penalty (although you lose the benefit throw as normal). Refuse and you must throw twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the lower result; you also gain an Enemy and add any skill to your Career Skill list.
7 Injured – throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
8 You learn something you shouldn’t know and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy and Bluff
9 Your work ends up coming home with you and someone gets hurt. Choose one of your Contacts, Allies or family members and throw twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage for them, taking the lower result.
10 Tainted – You are captured by the opposition. Although recovered by your own side in a raid, you are now considered tainted and forced to leave the service.
11 Someone attempts to assassinate you. Throw Con DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage If you succeed, gain an Enemy.
12 Betrayed by a friend. One of your Contacts or Allies betrays you, ending your career. That Contact or Ally becomes a Rival or Enemy. If you have no Contacts or Allies, then you are betrayed by someone you never saw coming and still gain a Rival.
    See Current Careers: How Events Work                                                                            
Roll the dice 2d6Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 An investigation takes a dangerous turn. Throw Streetwise DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Mishap Table. If you succeed, gain Bluff or gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
13 You are assigned to internal affairs to investigate one of your own. Throw Diplomacy DC 12. If you succeed, gain an Enemy and gain Diplomacy, Stealth, or Bluff. If you fail, you still gain an Enemy. Someone complained about you after and you lose 1 rank. roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous mission. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage If you succeed, gain one skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw. If you don't Lose 1 rank.
15 You investigate a gambling ring. Throw Intelligence 12+ to Gain Restricted Skills: Gambling INT
16-20 You are assigned to a Ceremonial detail. Roll Diplomacy DC 12, Pass +1 SOC, Fail if you anger the wrong person you are fired for the whatever you did.
21 You make a mistake and go down 1 rank, roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
22 You are assigned to work on a secret project. Gain one class Skill: Heal, Any Science (any) 1, Computer Use(Any), or Knowledge Arcane.
23 You are sent undercover. Gain one skill: Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis , Restricted Skills: Gambling INT, Bluff or Stealth.
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff 12+ to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 You spend time working in a mundane society. Throw Education DC 12 to gain Craft(any) or Profession(any).
26-30 You go undercover on a starship. Gain one skill in Pilot, Repair, or Engineering.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles and it puts you in a bad light. You get demoted, add +5 to Maintain Employment roll.
42 You are involved in a major fight in the city. Throw Con DC 12 to avoid a roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage Gain an extra throw on your Benefit roll at end of year
43 You assist in tracking down a rogue psion. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain one of Perception, Stealth, or Bluff as a class, or +1 to checks. You may transfer to the Agent career next term without making a Qualification roll.
44 You go undercover to investigate an enemy. Throw Bluff DC 12. If you succeed, throw it immediately on the Rogue Events Tables. If you fail, throw it immediately on the Rogue Mishap Table, -5 DC Maintain.
45 You have the opportunity to make a little on the side during your investigations. Roll Streetwise dc 12 and gain a +2 to any Benefit throw. If you fail, gain a Rival who knows you are dirty, but cannot prove it.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1.
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 You go undercover among the opposition. Take Bluff skill and take your next term in the Citizen, Drifter, or Agent. During the next term, roll Deception 12+ or roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage You may return to this career the following term.
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any)roll for continued employment with a -5 DC.
55 You are captured and interrogated by the enemy. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let you go...). Gain either Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or unarmed Combat Feat. Maintain employment DC +5.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll. Maintain employment DC -5
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid plus Restricted: Jack of all Skills
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity 12+ If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage . If you succeed, gain an Ally, and an automatic promotion. Maintain employment DC -5
63 You go undercover among the political establishment. Take Bluff and take your next Month from the Politician career. During the next term, roll Bluff 12+ or roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage You may return to this career the following month.
64 A gambling ring forms amongst your comrades and you are invited to join. Throw Gambler 12+ or Intelligence 12+. If you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll. If you fail, lose a Benefit roll. Either way, gain Restricted Skills: Gambling INT
65 You are selected for Officer School. Throw Intelligence dc 17 to be Commissioned. If you are already an officer, gain +2 DM on your next advancement. Maintain employment DC -5
66 Your work has been exceptional; you are Commissioned as an Officer or are automatically promoted (Players Choice). Auto pass Maintain employment.
See Background Career: Alternate class abilities  

You Owe

If your target has a debt to anyone can treat him as a favored enemy using your Taxman Rank as the level of Ranger you are.  

Taxes and Death

When you take a hit that will bring you below 0, your willpower to continue to collect taxes is so strong you can shung off the hit and end with 1 hp instead. You can do this a number of times per day equal to 1/2(always) your rank in Taxman.    

Lie detection

You are human lie detection, with a Sense motive check if you hit DC 20 regardless of the target's Bluff check you can tell if they lying or not. It lasts a max of 5 minutes. He can be used the same number of times as you have ranks.

Rank Abilities

See Rank abilities     These only work when the Taxman has the target on his collection list.  

Sport Hunter

When you make a ranged attack with a slugthrower or Energy weapon with which you are proficient, you gain one of the following benefits, depending on the kind of weapon you use. Slugthrower Pistol: When you use a Slugthrower Pistol at Point-Blank Range, you deal +1 die of damage with the weapon. Slugthrower Rifle: When you use a Slugthrower Rifle, the damage dice increase from d8 to d12. Blaster Pistol: When you use a Blaster Pistol, reroll any result of 1 on the damaged dice until you get a result other than 1. Blaster Rifle: When using a Blaster Rifle, you gain an extra shoot at a -2 to hit at the same target.  

Paid in Full

When this is taken it allows you to collect your full salary and you do not have to pay your taxes till next the end of the following year. Allows you buy on credit from any shop up to 10,000 cr x rank in Taxman. You have 12 months to pay back. If you ever not pay back this you lose this benefit.

Slippery Maneuver

You can apply the effects of the Dodge Feat against attacks made by two opponents if one is on your list. In addition, when you use the Withdraw Action to move away from a target against whom you use the Dodge Feat, you can move at your full Speed. You still provoke an Attack of Opportunity if you must move more than 1 square to escape a Threatened Area.  

Fatal Hit

  When your attack drops a target to 0 Hit Points, you may choose to automatically kill that enemy even if the damage does not exceed the target's Damage Threshold. In addition, you can perform the Coup de Grace Action as a Standard Action. This is only saved for targets who are so far in debt nothing they have will cover it, making an example of them is the only thing that is left.  

Staggering Attack (GaW)

  When using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, you can make an attack that disrupts an enemy's concentration. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, and if your attack deals damage, the target takes a -2 penalty to Skill Checks until the end of your next turn. Alternatively, you can take a -5 penalty to your attack roll, and if your attack deals damage, the target takes a -5 penalty to Skill Checks until end of your next turn.  

Sadistic Strike

When you deliver a Coup de Grace with Fatal Hit, all opponents within line of sight are unable to attack you for the following round. They may flee but no offense action can be brought against you.  

Destructive Force

When you deal damage to an object or Vehicle that equals or exceeds the target's Damage Threshold and reduces the target to 0 Hit Points, you deal 1 die of damage (of the same type as the damage used in the attack) to all targets, including allies, that are adjacent to the Vehicle or object and they have to check if they catch on fire (DC 15 Reflect save).  

Dual Weapon Strike

When attacking with two Weapons, you may attack with both of them as a Standard Action. However, you suffer an additional -2 penalty to your attack rolls in addition to the normal penalties for fighting with two Weapons.

Mustering Out

1 100 Age Reversal
2 200 Vehicle **
3 500 Weapon
4 500 Armour
5 1000 Ship’s Boat **
6 2000 Sports Flyer **
7 3000 Armored Vehicle **
**5 year interest free loan If you stay with Taxmen for 5 years, the loan is forgiven at mustering out of the 5th year for any of the 5 year loans.