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Historically, the Bandetlands have been a difficult area to manage under any rule; during the time of the old Fyorish Kingdoms it was often a land prone to arguments of borders and law. Even when under Valyean rule, the Imperial Armies could only chase peace in the area.


Part of Southern F'yore, the region of the Bandetlands are a temperate one, with fertile grounds, meadows, hills, and forests. The two peaks of mount Ropa and mount Elle are located roughly in its centre, and surrounded by hills that connect it to the lone mount Iver in the southwest, and Widuw Peaks in the northeast. It's main drainage river is the river Juntem that runs south to the Elfcote, but some streams run north to the Dechiré.   In the north lies the Greater Volleu Forest, and the east is the borders to Dymercia . In 492 RB, Dymercia began staking a claim on the lands and foothills of the Widuw Peaks.

Natural Resources

The hilly lands of the Bandetlands mean that sheep and goats are a preferred livestock over the conventionally kinds. Wild horses are also known about the region, often descendants of lost horses from battle.   Crops grown in the Bandetlands are usually wide and large ones and rarely expensive; potatoes, carrots, wheat, corn. Fruits, although could be easily grown, are rarely found due to the likelihood of being stolen. Wild fruit trees such as apples and pears occur in forests but not oft in pre-planned orchards. The southern parts of the Bandetlands is the perfect climate for vineyards, and some of the major keeps and settlements have restricted and protected vineyards. Chropend is known to have the best wine of the region, but is incredibly expensive due to the risk of growing it carries. The cellars of the Chropend Keep are said to potentially have bottles over five hundred years old but it cannot be certain - the cellars are kept a closely guarded area.


Part of F'yore, the history of the Bandetland has always been tumultuous. At the time of the old Kingdoms of F'yore, the Kingdom of Jun, Kingdom of Volleu, and the Kingdom of Iron all stake a claim in parts of the territory, with often battles caused by quarrles on where borders were drawn.   Some say this is where the Bandetlands got its perception as a lawless land - with borders changing often and lesser lords not being able to pick a side or stay loyal, the citizens would often find themselves in conflict with the lords on who they should be paying tax to, whose jurisdiction a crime should be tried under, and where was safe for a citizen to go to. Many towns began to gain independent identities, separate to the Kingdoms, and ran themselves with little involvement. And with laws changing a lot of the time, a lot of things were just widespread allowed.   Further, due to the unrest in the region, the kingdoms allowed attacks on trade if it harmed their neighbours and the region became treacherous.   During the middle of the Age of the Third Clans, F'yore was doing well trading materials into the east. However, the roads were not easy to traverse and many spots allowed for bandits and highwayman to easily ambush a merchant or a caravan on its way through the region. It became a fact that, if you were to send goods through the Bandetlands, always expect that a third of your resources would be stolen. Merchants dreamt up a number of methods to protect their goods, including dummy caravans, dummy chests, hidden compartments in wagons, inconspicuous storage, and Tincerheim made good business in the selling of locking mechanisms. Towns became oases in the region, being the only place a caravan could stop and secure their belongings and goods.   When The Valyean Empire swept the Imperial army through the region, it became a little less lawless - when the military campaign for the Winter's Heart saw many soldiers travelling through the region, bandits lessened. But this was temporary, and after the death of Emperor Dafyd I, some said the towns and cities who'd never quite submitted to Imperial rule, immediately dropped any pretence of law-abiding citizens and went right back to their ways of allowing anything and everything to occur.   The phrase "anything goes in F'yore" is attributed to the Bandetlands than anywhere lese in the region.
Continent: Olivia
The continent of Olivia, home to the Olivians, a general term of the peoples.
Rolling Hills
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