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F'yore is the most western part of the main continent of Olivia, also known as the Kingdom of Mud, or the Mud Plains. It's historically been a region that, being ripe with farms and produce, is never able to form a stable government. In the Age of the Second Clans, the Kingdom of F'yore was able to exist in clumsy turmoil, as none of the Barons and Lords could commit to the Kingdom. Even now, many families hold pride to their family history and Barons and Lords will commonly quarrel with one another on land.   Geographically, to the west lies that Autumnal Sea. To the east are the Froix Mountains, and Widuw's Peak that border Lamércia. Yule's Heart lies in the north, and the Valyean Lowlands lead to Valyea south. Most of the land is fertile grassland, with a spattering of forest here and there. The foothills of the various mountain ranges are teeming with life as rivers flow from all areas.   The F'yorish are a prideful people, even as the sons of farmers, and they are a traditional peoples. Any deeper than that and their unity if lost - like the Kettelese, traditions vary from settlement to settlement, with no strong unification. Common aspects are tournaments, family crests, table etiquette, social standing, and residual roots of Titanism, but Dafydism has a very strong hold on the region as the Emperor Dafyd was born here.


It's common to distinguish between Northern F'yore, where the noble houses are found and good fertile land, and Southern F'yore, where the market cities and tradesmen work. Because food and produce is exported south from Northern F'yore, and Southern F'yore holds borders with a lot more land, often thieves operate best in these lands. This is assumed to be why the southern cities seem far richer than the northern cities.  

Northern F'yore

Northrock & the Cliffs of Welle

In the north, the lands grow rocky and the land is less fertile, giving way to a cold desert. Northrock sits just on the foothills of where the Froix Mountains grow steeper and the cold is less forgiving. The Cliffs of Welle are also similar mostly rock, limestone and basalt, that cause the cliffs to look a very dark grey. The cliff are almost impossible to see at night.    

Bois de Jaune

  An old forest that rolls over the hills and valleys in the north. Not a lot of the woodland has been cleared by the people, but the various settlements in the woods have belts of farmland surrounding them. The lake Marie lies in the forest, where Emperor Dafyd was born. The lake is said to have always have mystic powers and in myth it's said that the titan Fideus used the lake Marie to sleep.  

Mud Plains

  A name given to the largest area of fertile land, south of the Bois de Jaune, and fed water through the rivers Jaune, Noix, Vas, and Épai. Originally this area would have been covered with wildlife, fauna and flora alike, but now has ben cultivate and cut down for the purposes of farming - wheat, barley, oats, corn, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, and many more crops are grown in these fields and then exported out.  

Chute Wood & Cliffs

  A pocket peninsula on the western side of the river Jaune, the Chute Wood and Chute Cliffs are a relatively untouched area; myths say the dead would roam the woods, ghosts of those who have passed. Eventually, it was found that a stray vein of Cdonnic Copper was exposed and that a small group of miners had become infected, but nonetheless the area remains mostly untouched by civilisation.   The cliffs rise up in basalt and are hard to spot when at sea. Sailors in the area will have competitions with one another on who can get closest to the tip of the peninsula, but only the most experience sailors know that the only safe distance is as far as possible.  

Land's Peak

  The hills and grasslands of Land's Peak are cultivated and used for growing grains and vegetables, same as the Mud Plains. However this area is less easy to farm and so those of this area either have turned to other means of trade, or have taken great pride in managing their land. Hullsfar is an example of a city that once grew from lumber, but moved to mercantile operations instead. Meanwhile, Velhul is a large market city that prides itself on having the best crop that can be yielded from Land's Peak.  

Bay of Merchants

The first of the bays, the bay of Merchants is fed by the rivers Jaune, Noix, Vax, Épai, and because of the number of settlements that grew along the Jaune, the bay began to see great means for trading, hence the name.   The bay itself slopes down into the water, finding sandy beaches on its shores, but these tend to cliffs towards Land's Peak.  

Froix Mountains

The Froix Mountains are a long strain of mountains that divide F'yore from Yule's Heart. These mountains house two of the seven Dwarven Forges; the White Foundry, and the Forge d'Or. Amongst the peaks is the lake Trésor that is said to be a healing lake. It was once said that a sjichan drowned in the lake, and his form scattered amongst the waters, settling to the lakebed to form veins of gold, hence why the forge d'Or is just beside the lake.  

Southern F'yore


Historically, a realm that was highly contested over, being beside the Yule's Pass. The area is made up of grassland and some hills, with rivers winding their way down south. Because of this, the traffic in the Battelfelds relies heavily on bridges, giving more of reason why the lands were contested; controlling any one of the bridges would give a person important power over traffic through the region; Felvil, Mellville, and Rougefort are to name some of these cities that gained fortune for being the better maintained bridges.   The woods that drift from the south are made up of the more northern varieties of trees, such as pine, spruce, evergreen, and so on.  

Bay of Mercenaries

The second bay, given its name due to the nature of trade that often occurred as traders would often bribe settlements or purchase mercenaries to protect their goods as they travelled south. The bay is fed by the rivers Dechiré in the east, Mell, Hull, and Felu from the north. In the northern coast, the shores are low, but in the south rise with the mountain Iver and so stone beaches are more common. The waters are calm and their beds slope with the land leading it to be a safe area for sailing into and out of.  

Greater Volleu Forest

The Lesser Volleu Forest has since been deforested so much it now exists as pockets of woods and forest across the Bandetlands. The forest is filled with strong and old oaks, maples, willows, all that follow the river Dechiré. The forest often been the perfect hiding place for highwaymen and bandits and many settlements immediately set to improving the roads through the forest to prevent attacks and loss of assets.   The forest follows up the eastern face of the Iver Mountain along the river Eté as well, where logging operations are common.   Silron is the strongest strategic city in the forest, sitting at the only major bridge and crossing of the Dechiré before it becomes too deep as it flows west.  


Given the name from the notoriety of the locals, the Bandetlands are hilly terrain with roads being often trails that wind their way through. Two notable peaks sit lonely in the middle, colloquially named "F'yore's Chest" or "F'yore's Breast" for obvious reasons. The mountains Elle and Ropa were once said to be the breasts of a fallen giant. Other tales imply they were carved by the titan Inertia as their bed. Those who follow Titanism believe this is where St Momenta slayed Inertia while they laid sleeping.  


Elfcote is a low lying coast, giving rise to many beaches and shores of sand. The land slopes down to the sea here. The coastal cities and towns that sit along this part of F'yore are rich with trade from Valyea.


  • The Region of F'yore
Alternative Name(s)
The Mud Plains, The Kingdom of Mud
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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