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The Heightings are proud. The Heightings are strong. We will not go quiet into the good night
— Lord Richard High 1404TF
  Heightington is the main settlement of the Lordship of Heightington, and was once the seat of power to the Kingdom of Heights that reigned prior to the formation of the United Kingdom of Lamércia in roughly 7DB. It has long been considered a place of strength and fortitude, and developed into a city around the Tower Heights in the last few hundred years. Now it is no longer a exporter of goods, but makes a name for itself in academics and learning.


The people of Heightington often pride themselves on being Heightings, but includes many Mercians, Torcians, Espanol, and Ferrous. The people of Lamércia have often travlled to Heightington so dwarves, humans, elves, gnomes, and orcs are common sightings.


The Lord of Heightington acts as a feudal lord over Heightington and its surrounding minor settlements.

Industry & Trade

Heightington once was able to trade the stone mined from the quarry, but it has become much less valuable and dangerous to mine. Since then, Heightington has stayed afloat by tourism; travellers will come from miles to visit due to the highly regarded academy, the Guild of the Moons' Eyes. It also is a tremendously historical location and holds sway in the politics in Dymercia leading to many pwoerful people living in the city, thereby attracting visitors.


Tower Heights

The main location of the city's keep.  


The rich estates of Heightington are located here, where the wealthy make their homes.  


Set beside the river Sur, mainly residential.  

Old Quarry

Once where stone for Heightington and the surrounding areas was mined, it has grown with the residences for miners.  

Lower Keep

Located beneath the keep, it is a coveted area and a little richer than most of the city.  


The main comemrcial district, named for the woods that once were here, now home to many establishments including Tomson and Sons.  

Damp Valley

Mainly residential.  


A small settlement built lower down the river Sur, that has become slowly incorporated.  


A small settlement that has built up to increase the need for Heightington's population. Mostly residential with its own lower market.  


A small settlement incorporated into the city.

Guilds and Factions

Guild of the Moon's Eyes

An academy dedicated to the sciences. Scholars spend time here researching important improvements, especially in studies of Fost. The Academy hosts a Wizards Fair each year in the autumn to exhibit and present various endeavours in the field, as well as demonstrating prowess in Fostrenders across the world.  

Tomson and Sons

A large financial guild, also established and a bank and investment firm, Tomson and Sons has grown to be the guild that manages all commercial buildings and businesses in the cities, investing and managing books with the Lord's permission. It can be difficult to determine their true motivations and allegiances aside from wealth.  

The Fallen Company

A mercenary company for hire who deal with monsters and beasts that threaten the people of the city, as well as having the forces to engage in large conflicts if needed. They have the permission from the Lord to maintain themselves as long as the Lord has final say in their operations.  

The Phoenixes/The Smokers

A revolutionary group dedicated to making Heightington great again, a seat of true power, and proud of the Heighting heritage. Often disorganised, they have recently gaiend strength in numbers thanks to the charismatic leader Meghan.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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