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Lamércia has often been split into Western and Eastern Lamércia, the dividing line being the Rivers Lam and Green, along with the Old Forest that refers to the once expansive forest that grew about the region.   In West Lamércia, humans have been recorded as being the majority species, occupying the region for many thousands of year in small tribes and clans. These eventually developed into specific peoples and cultures that still have an impact in current society. About a thousnad years prior was an age of development of the Feudal system. In F'yore, territories and kingdoms were developed as prominent leaders of the tribes and clans organised their people to built fortifications and establish claim of lands, requiring payment and tribute to raise armies and maintain power. This system inspired similar systems in Lamércia, especially with the Kingdom of Iron on the River Ferrous, the western border of the lands, combined with the Widuw Peaks.   The earliest serfdoms were small, with the first major power being the Kingdom of the Espanol, that managed effective technology to sail the Espanol Gulf and establish themselves with naval forces. The wood required for the ships required organisation to bring wood from the north down to the south. Espanol lasted for about three generations before the instability of the inland required other powers to find footing - the Mercians of the mid-east, the Torcians of the northeast, the Heightings in the central lands, and the Erenese towards the east and Eastern Lamércia.   These smaller kingdoms managed themselves, with war over land and resources becoming more important as stone became an important resource to build fortifications. Eastern Lamércia was also embarking on an agricultural innovation with rice fields being their primary source of carbohydrates versus the wheat and oats of Wester Lamércia. The Nitsukin and Saonese of Eastern Lamércia had formed houses and families of power and were building unique alliances and establishing political influence, especially with their longer elven livlihoods.   The families of the Ou, Timeta, Shilu, Eren, Dhanning, Robutoru, Okano, and Saon were expanding their influence and managing diplomatic relations whilst other communities were still warring over resources. Before, the families had been exchanging and superceding rule to one another until about seven hundred years ago when the Saon family, having staked a large claim, created an alliance between the families to be able to defend against the Kettelese and Palma people. This developed into a joint-militaristic government where the families would share resources and elect a "chairman" to command the joint forces. This worked in conquests into Faust where they managed to established further farmland and expand their influence.   About five hundred years ago, the then chairman of the Eastern Families, Reiko of Saon, suggest a conquest and "civilisation" of the humans in the west. This failed as the Erenese were resistant, the current populace of the crossings of the Green. The conflict, known as the Failed Lamércian Union, ended with the death of Reiko of Saon to the Erenese horsemen, historically depicted by the Erenese as their King Cillian riding a horse with the Chairman Reiko of Saon pierced upon his lance.   The new Chairman, Hirohito of Dhanning, suggested a treaty and alliance with the Erenese to instead work jointly. The Mercians and Torcians were at war at the time, and taking advantage of their precarious situation, the newly formed Erenese and Eastern alliance managed to sweep into the lands and establish the northern lands of Lamércia into the Kingdom of Eren. Espanol was next to fall, with the last areas being those of James Wood - unorganised territory - and Heights.   The King Cillian died, and due to he not having direct heirs, the talk of the Eren crown turned towards assigning the crown to a nephew who had connections to the Dhanning bloodline. The nephew, King Robert, then conquered the lands of James Wood, and then set about to take Heights, now a surrounded Kingdom. As Robert took the foothills of Heights, the King of Heights surrendered seeing that he was trapped and pledged fealty to the Eren crown.   But the Eren crown was not long to exist - when the Chairman Hirohito passed, the families of Eastern Lamércia saught a new chairman. With King Robert's links to the Dhanning family, and the current power he now exerted in Western Lamércia, they conspired to announce King Robert as their new Chairman. This formed the Union of Lamércia, to which King Robert was given a ceremony in Lvangé.   The Union was not instant - the Robutoru family did not agree with the conspiracy and they marched their banners on King Robert's seat in Brye. But alike the Failed Lamércian Union, the Robutoru were defeated due to Brye's strategic position and the resistance by the Erenese and Nitsukin. After their defeat, the United Kingdom of Lamércia was solified.   The United Kingdom of Lamércia benefited from the union of the humans and elves, using it as a point of pride and superiority over other nations. They took the remaining lands of Faust in later conquests and managed the two regions almost as if they were two separate nations - Western Lamércia acted with their noble lords and Eastern Lamércia continued with their families.   But when the Valyean Empire expanded into F'yore and engaged in the Lamérco-Valya conflict, the United Kingdom swore fealty and was absorbed into the empire. This would sour relations between the West and East, having been conquered by elves. When the Empire faced inner conflict and an issue of ruler, Dymercia seceded from the empire as a statement against elven rule. Lord Edric of Lamport led the resistance and after their succesful truce with the Empire established Dymercia. Lord Edric gave lordships to his allies, and established a new capital in Henrik.   When later the Empress Rouna died and her successive heir moved the Empire to Gaijo, Eastern Lamércia became the new central location for the Empire. The families, who had to play with the Imperial system found new influence on the Imperial Court and its Imperial States.   Now the Eastern Empire had suffered many fractures, the Eastern Empire has granted vassal status to many of its lands. Dymercia has lost its nrothern lands in Yule's Heart and instead looked toward strengthening its presence in F'yore. The War of the Bandetland Fealties, caused by F'yorish lords in the Bandetlands swearing fealty to Dymercia and the Rhute lands west preferring to maintain the River Ferrous as its border with Dymercia, ended with Dymercia obtaining parts of the Bandetlands with the intention to improve travel in the treachorous lands. This has soured relations with F'yore and the new Kingdom of F'yore. Meanwhile, relations between Western Lamércia and Eastern Lamércia have returned to their speciest roots of almost a thousand years ago.
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