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Humans ([ˈhyu.mən])

I daresay only a human could construct such a dangerous method of travel; your lives are so short, either you reach your destination or you perish trying, and you count both as a success
— Emperor Tsuyo, 477 RB
  The most common folk in the region of Olivia, evolved from monkeys and apes, likely given the gift of sentience from Fost. Humans are diligent, loyal, tenacious, intelligent, and adaptable. Often referred to as Children of the Meadows, they habituate grassland and open spaces.   The humans of Olivia are viewed as inventive and curious, but their associated sin is one of Gluttony, taking too much without realising that they are harming themselves and the world around them. Many actions taken by humans are considered to be notions of Greed, when really it is an inabiltiy to see restraint in achieving and realising their goals.   Their cultures are known to vary extremely and one human in one region is likely to be unlike that of another. But humans are incredibly hospital and are often not specieist. When referring to their genders, the gendered terms are Man [ mæn ] and Woman [ ˈwʊm.ən ].

Basic Information


Humans are humanoid, and have coined the term. They are bipedal beings that resemble monkeys or apes in shape. They have two legs, two arms, a torso in the center connecting their limbs, and a head at the top to house their brain. Their ears are rounded, have two eyes, a singular mouth, a nose that consists of two nasal passages, and have nerve endings across their body to detect physical presence. They are generally hairless apart from hair on the top of their heads and smaller hairs across their arms, legs, chest, back, and sometimes hands and feet. Their skin colour is can vary between darker shades in hotter climates and paler shades in colder climates.

Growth Rate & Stages

They can live to usually from sixty to eighty years, with a hundred being a general maximum. Their generations tend to last around twenty to thirty years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their Fost sense is limited but can vary between human to human.
Genetic Descendants
60 - 80 years
Average Height
5'5'' - 6'0"
Average Weight
55 - 90 kg


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