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Mostly hilly terrain, a lot of it is much higher than sea level. It’s also rather wet for this reason, a lot of rivers run this way and that, including the great river the Rudexan – an important river to the cultures of Rhuti. Islands sit on the eastern side; the Silver Isles also know as the Moon Isles.

Natural Resources

Rhuti has a lot of minerals and stone, and is also noted for its production of coinage and gold. Towards the north, pistachios are a common agriculture, and to the south, sheep become common cattle to find in its hills. But Rhuti is by no means a rich region and still remains rather secluded in some regions, preferring their smaller communities to the whole. Nonetheless, Mnqara maintains control through uneasy peace and a sense of wider unity


Rhuti is not a bloodbath, but a realm of supremacy and quiet and reserved politics. The Rhustall Empire in its prime laid claim to the realms north, commanding Sahls’ma, Dis’t’asfad, Rudxanfad, and the Silver Isles, which was useful for controlling the Entanre Sea and for managing the land connection between Bul and the West.   Prior to that, there were a loose collection of Seven Kingdoms controlling each of the minor regions: The Kingdom of the North Coast (Sahls’mala), the Kingdom of the White Plains (Dis’t’asfada), the Kingdom of the Rudxan (Rudxana), the Kingdom of the Dry Valley (Drixs’kaha), the Kingdom of the Bird’s Beak (Mnqarpnz’aha), the Kingdom of the Silver Isles (Z’tabstana), and the Kingdom of Ice (Axzid’aha). Now, Rhuti has accumulated back into its own nation of Mnqara through diplomacy and warfare after the Rhustall Empire collapsed, and now ends up being reserved and content in keeping to themselves, keeping the peace through age old treaties and conferring houses and peoples.   The ruins of Aka, the old city of elves, holds part of the history of the elves on Eleanor, and how they fell out with the Sjichan which drove them to exile and savagery. Elves are considered not the high and mighty people as they are on Olivia – they are disorganised and secular, living in small tribes in the southern regions, referred to as the Snow Elves in these parts. None know exactly what the elves did to cause the wrath of the Sjichan, but their city became abandoned. The other peoples of Eleanor were uninterested in the acceptance of elven refugees and they are viewed with disdain and disinterest. Since, the city has not been claimed due to the cold.


  • Rhuti
    The region of Rhuti in Eleanor
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