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The River Rudxan

The Rudxan (Ruderhaan in Bulo) is a 512-mile-long river that flows through much of the region of Rhuti. It drains much of the northern region of Rhuti, all rivers south of the Beonque Mountains and the eastern peaks of the Sekjen ‘elolam (Knife of the World). Ocean-going traffic can reach 125 miles up the river before it becomes too narrow. It's notable as a slow moving river with a very low flow rate, which has been noted by many Rhutian scholars, especially those of Rudxanfad.


Named the Rudexan by early settlers of Rhuti, the name in fact translates to 'The River' in Rhutia. The people of Bul during the reign of the Rhussom Empire also name it Ruderhaan from speaking with locals. It also can be named the Great River.


The river Rudxan in a scholarly fashion regards the river of which begins at the Kops Lake in Dis't'asfad, and flows west-north up to the mouth that drains into the Entanre Sea on the Rhutian Coast.   However, colloquially, the name Rudxan is also given to the river Skjnab in Rudxanfad, hence the name of the region and the Kingdom of the Rudxan that once reigned. The peoples of Rhutia consider both rivers sisters of one another, giving life to the northern lands of Rhuti.


The Rudxan is of vital importance to the Rhutian peoples not just in a sacred sense, but being run-off for most of the northern area of Rhuti it is vital to farmland and fertility. Many pistachio farms that were erected in the Rhussom Empire rely on the river, as do coffee plants, avocados, pineapples, and a lot of Northern Rhuti’s produce. It’s common for the most superstitious of folk to make prayer to the river for good weather and harvest.   It's forbidden by most cultures in Rhuti to dispose of waste into the river, but bathing is actively encouraged. It was said that bathing in the Rudxan promoted long life and bonded a person to the river so that they may find their way home. Pilgrimmage to the Kops Lake is common to those in Dis’t’asfad, while those in Rudxanfad believe more so in the streams from the Sekjen ‘elolam, and so Abrhamio, a city in the northern part of Rudxanfad amongst the hills, has become a highly religious and sacred place to those in the area.

Notable Settlements

The most notable settlements along the river are:
  • Ruderputre – located at the mouth of the river and receives the most external trade to the region.
  • Rhaanghelle – a highly fortified crossing of the river, home to the longest bridge of the Ruxan, the Bridge of Rhotelli, built by the Rhussom empire to give them an advantage and to ease crossings.
  • T’unxan – a very fertile region, rich on natural resources, gave rise to T’unxan. Its lowlands lead to flooding each year, seen as a blessing rather than a curse.
  • Rudxpl – a historically strategic location that once was the focus of the Seven Kingdoms, home to a crossing high sought after. Lying midway along the river the city receives many travellers along its length.
  • Pads’ahr – a city that again built up for its bridge and access to the eastern realms of Rhuti. It sits in a valley where the township built up into the hills for protection from its floods.
  • Abs’ahr – a city known to receive many visitors due to being beside the lake Kops. Its people are well regarded fishermen and riverfolk.


The Rudxan has been recorded in history as being a importantly recognised river in Rhuti, providing runoff for a large area of Rhuti, and navigation into the area of Dis't'asfad. The city of Rudxpl was built up as strategic and centre of communications due to this very fact. In the days of the Seven Kingdoms, Dis't'asfada (Kingdom of the White Plains) used the river as its border to Drixs’kaha (Kingdom of the Dry Valley) and Mnqarpnz’aha (Kingdom of the Bird’s Beak). Sahls’mala (Kingdom of the North Coast) controlled the sea going traffic and northern running.   Due to its slow flow and its connectedness, trade boasts, fishing boats, and all forms of aquatic transport used the river making it key for logistics within the region.   When the Rhussom Empire was invading the realm of the Rhuti, it was an imperative and successful campaign to take the river to maintain control of the Entanre sea and support their conquered lands in Rudxanfad and Dis't'asfada, led by then Emperor Markos III and his general Alessandro. During the time of Rhussom rule, the river saw the highest amounts of traffic as the Rhussom Empire used it to transport goods and exports into the Entanre Sea and to its other holdings. It also saw a period of strict regulations on what vehicles could sit on its waters.   Nowadays, under Mnqara control, the Rudxan has returned to its historical roots of general use and internal traffic. It is one of the cleanest rivers in the world due to the Rhutian people's beliefs the river is sacred and not meant for waste disposal, although bathing is permitted.
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Jun 3, 2022 09:17

I like that people are encouraged to wash in the river for benefits. Is the pilgrimage something people do very often or rather once in a lifetime?

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