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A city of lizardmen, with statues of gold raised every ten feet, expensive cloth laid in the hot sun, and ripe food thrown to the rats. And you tell me this is a sacred place?
— Bard Mautr, 365 RB
  The city of Sofea, located nestled in the mountains of northern Alrik, is a city that is under a lot of geopolitical pressure. A known fostpoint, and capital to the Kingdom of Omrik, it was originally an elven settlement that was abandoned when the elves betrayed the Sjichan long ago.   The city sits atop an oasis amongst the deserts of Alrik and is considered a place of natural beauty, with stone buildings and great towers that blend with the tropical fauna of the area.


The population of Sofea is mainly the Omriccans, made up of mainly lizardmen but also contains orcs, dwarves, gnomes, birdmen and even sjichan. The city has grown increasingly large over time due to its presence as an important landmark to the Omriccans, and also the Alriccans and the Augurfolk.


As time has gone on, the city of Sofea has had towers and walls erected to provide protection to the people in the oasis, with fences also erected around various areas deemed to be private property. Sofea has not been an area under siege for a long time, but the ongoing conflict between Omrik and Alrik mean that the people of Sofea are wary of the possibility of an invasion.


Originally, the city of Sofea was built by the elves of Eleanor around the fostpoint located there. When the elves betrayed the sjichan, they were exiled and so lived in the deserts far from the fostpoint. The original settlers are considered the ancestors to the current Sand Elves that inhabit most of the deserts of Alrik and Omrik.    The Augurfolk of Alrik were the first to stake a claim to the city long ago in history, living there in peace for centuries. When the Rhussom Empire expanded, the, the Omriccans had been assimilated into the northern claims of the Empire, and supported in efforts to secure the oasis of Sofea and its river that looped into the northern sea. The Omriccans laid a claim in 858 TF and the Augurfolk were banished from the realm.   When the Rhussom Empire began to collapse, around 1138 TF, the Augurfolk went to try and retake the city of Sofea. This began a longstanding fued and rivalry with the Omriccans vs the Alriccans. The Alriccans on the northern coast claimed most of the norther coast but could not claim Sofea.   In 58 RB, almost five hundred years since the last attempt, the Augurfolk began another war to retake Sofea. This war has lasted almost five-hundred years, with neither side agreeing to peace, but agreeing to multiple treaties over the years.

Points of interest

The main point of interest in Sofea is the Temple of Oura, situated above a great lake that is filled by the mountains of the north, giving life to the river d'Aergilla that flows to the northern sea. Within the lake likes the fostrend that is said to have given the 'mud' or 'clay' sjichan life, and is a sacred spot for many sjichan.   The Keep of Bastilla was built by the Omriccans and Bulo early in their claim from ht Augurfolk and is the seat of power to the Kingdom of Omrik. Currently the Macierran Royal Family inhabits the keep.


The architecture of Sofea takes from three different cultures that have occupied it. The original stone buildings, built by the elves, make up the centre and have been reclaimed as government offices and homes to noblefolk. The clay buildings from the Augurfolk have remained and utilised as often commercial buildings. The later Omriccan and Bulo architecture, made from marble, stone, and clay forms the third style.   The elves built into the nature of the area, with structure sitting above water sources in such a way to not interrupt the flow of water, and foundations following the slopes of the land. They made use of large buildings, considered to perhaps once accommodate communes.   The Augurfolk followed a similar pattern but built using clay, and built smaller buildings intended often a either small sleeping quarters, or large gathering spaces. The smaller buildings have mostly been demolished by the Omriccans, but left some of the original halls for use as commercial spaces.   Bulo and Omriccans architecture makes use of pillars, circular buildings, and towers, using wood as supports when possible without causing foundational fragility due to the heat. The Bulo had less of a consideration to nature and building with regards to the land, and so large portions of what might have been tropical forest and woodland were torn down to make room for larger buildings and settlements. A number of towers were also raised to provide easy communication over long distances, and provide strategic lookouts in the defense of the city.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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