Ashen Row

So overcrowded with factories that the walls of one often radiate the heat and vibrations of its neighbors, Ashen Row is amongst the most infamous areas of the Embers.  Competing for profit, owners shamelessly cut corners, and the entire street drifts with the ash and smoke of factory exhaust.  Those who have to walk through its grey drifts are made even more anonymous by the cloths tied across their faces so that they can breathe.     Conditions within the factories are not much better. Ashen Row is often referred to as "the Crematorium" because common knowledge says that workers who die on the factory floors are simply tossed into the furnaces, added fuel for an engine of production that burns through lives without mercy or pause.      Among the most infamous of the factories along Ashen Row is Freedman's Forge , a testament to the power of money in overcoming even the most ingrained of bigotry.
Alternative Name(s)
The Crematorium
Included Locations
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