Freedman's Forge

Every factory in Ashen Row has its ghosts, but nowhere do the shadows gather deeper or the ashes of immolated hopes and dreams drift thicker than Freedman's Forge. Run by Denholm Freedman, the factory is infamous for its inhumane conditions and merciless drive for production, no matter what it takes. Only the most desperate take jobs at Freedman's Forge, but sadly there are always more desperate souls than there are spots on the factory floor, so the Forge never lacks for human fuel.   Freedman's creed is to undercut and undersell, to make a profit by any means necessary, and he has no sympathy for those he views as too weak to do anything but serve as fodder for his success. He runs the factory with an iron fist, and workers are killed and injured with alarming frequency. He demands long shifts without rest, and gives no quarter for any mistake or any reason for falling short of quotas. Freedman's ability to produce at lower prices than every competitor gives him customers and connections among the businessmen of the city...and among regulators and watchmen as well. With a mixture of violence and gold, he ensures that everyone in authority overlooks any 'indiscretions' in his factory, and it is the workers who bear the burden of his success without protection.   Such blatant disregard for human life has, however, caught the attention of a new faction in Elderforge. Among a cadre of factory owners who feel justified in abusing the human machinery that operates their business, Freedman's Forge stands out, an open wound seeping agony out of the disease that is Ashen Row.
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