Elena Whitewood

        A kind and compassionate midwife with a strong sense of empathy and attention to detail.
    Compassion and empathy: She may have taught you the importance of showing kindness and understanding to those in need, and to always try to see things from another's perspective.
Attention to detail and careful observation: She may have taught you the importance of careful observation and attention to detail, whether it be in solving a puzzle or deciphering a clue on an adventure.     Elena quickly became an essential member of the small community, helping with the delivery of babies and providing medical care to those in need. Her gentle nature and healing touch were well-respected and loved by all, and she was often called upon to soothe the ailments of both humans and animals. One winter, when a particularly harsh snowstorm hit the region, Elena was called to the aid of a pregnant woman who had gone into early labor. The snow had made it nearly impossible to travel to the woman's home, but Elena refused to let the harsh conditions stop her from helping. She bundled up and set out on foot, trudging through the deep snowdrifts until she reached the woman's home.   After delivering the baby, Elena was unable to return home due to the worsening storm. She stayed with the family for several days, helping them care for the newborn and keeping them all warm and fed until the weather cleared enough for her to make the journey back to Garen's Well.   Elena's bravery and selflessness during that winter storm only deepened the admiration and respect that the villagers had for her. She continued to work tirelessly to care for the people and animals of Garen's Well, becoming a beloved member of the community and a symbol of hope and healing.


Cedric Whitewood


Towards Elena Whitewood


Elena Whitewood


Towards Cedric Whitewood


Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
280 AC 45 Years old
Cedric Whitewood (Husband)
Current Residence