Banner Bearer

Banner Bearer — also known as Brawler, the Rider in the Cold, and Clarion, Ever-Burning — is a God recognised by the Church of Eighteen Eyes, believed to rule over the domains of Might, Protection, Tyranny, and Zeal. Banner Bearer is an exacting, brutal, and overbearing God, who looks upon Glüm as a warden looks upon a prison: a world of discord requiring an iron fist to bring it to order. However, Banner Bearer does not take kindly to "unecessary violence," seeing it as a pathway to further instability, and prefer for shows of force to be symbolic — a regal standard, a marching army — as opposed to overt brutality.   Banner Bearer is a favoured deity of soldiers, guardsmen, jailors, and government officials, though They are called upon by all folk seeking swift remedy to hardship or escape from violence. Sadly, all too often does the protection of Banner Bearer beget more violence in the end...  

Divine Portfolio

  • Edicts might makes right, maintain the status-quo, crush opposition so it cannot rise again
  • Anathema leave loose ends, allow unecessary violence, disobey the law
  • Divine Font harm
  • Divine Skill Intimidation
  • Favoured Weapon swords
  • Domains might, protection, tyranny, zeal
  • Cleric Spells 1st: true strike, 4th: stoneskin, 9th: massacre
Sanguine, a fess escartelée Argent, a sword Or
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations

Articles under Banner Bearer


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