Saint Bozhura

Saint Bozhura Vekhen (a.k.a. The Unflinching)

Saint Bozhura — known as Bozhura Vekhen of House Vekhen in life — was a Hobgoblin general of the Vekhen Empire during the conquest of Gol-Kasha against the Ihmisii native population.

Divine Domains

Saint Bozhura is the patron saint of archers and the courageous martyr, often invoked specifically in the face of impossible odds and certain death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When her unit of archers were outflanked and being charged down by a line of Ihmisii cavalry, she is said to have held firm, unstrung her bow, and used it as a makeshift spear. According to legend, her heart was pierced by an Ihmisii lance as she stared down the advance, but instead of dying her body was possessed by Banner Bearer, and she unhorsed her foe. This display of unflinching courage rallied her forces who were able to bog down the Ihmisii cavalry enough to tear them from their mounts, ultimately winning the battle. The ensuing slaughter, and the Wound in Reality caused by the manifestation of a God in this manner, is believed to have created the Battlefield of the Bloody Gate.
A section of the great mosaic within the Temple of Twenty Thousand Turrets, grand cathedral of Banner Bearer, depicting Bozhura Vekhen before she manifested her God.
Divine Classification
Date of Death
8th Death's Dawn 871 BE
Circumstances of Death
Manifested Banner Bearer
Place of Death
Plains of Pesht
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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