Battlefield of the Bloody Gate

The Battlefield of the Bloody Gate is a massive stretch of land within the Plains of Pesht where a titanic battle fought as a last stand of the Ihmisii people against the invading Vekhen Empire occured. The region is now littered with the bones of thousands of dead on both sides.   Tradition states that the battle occured on the "gateway to Pesht", though scholars are divided on what exactly this means. It is also said that Bozhura Vekhen — since known as Saint Bozhura — a general in the Empire's forces, manifested an aspect of Banner Bearer during the fighting, thus elevating her to sainthood. It is believed that this event may have caused a Wound in Reality, allowing the Sustain to leak into the region, causing the widespread necromantic anomoly now plaguing the area.   The battlefield was rediscovered by Arnott Aquila, Amastan Borrison, Aurelius, and Kelvin Pyne, representatives of the Scofflaws' Guild on Loomday, 3rd High-Autumn 1 AE.
Battlesite / Battlefield


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