Final Battle

The Final Battle was the culmination of the End Times, a massive at least continent-spanning war against the followers of the Gods — led by the Prophets of the Church of Eighteen Eyes — and the Demon Lords 'Khkohzd, Ledna'k, and Mu'stahcl.   The Final Battle was fought over a period of several days as the last conflict of the wider campaign of the End Times. The "battle" cannot be described in full due to its sheer size, having a front that stretched almost the entire eastern length of Syvat, a distance of over 7,500km (4700mi). The conflict saw several million combatants on both sides, with a death toll in the hundreds of thousands to millions, though many of those were Demons who cannot truly die, but instead were banished back to Echoing.

The Conflict


The Final Battle resulted in a rout of the mortal followers of the Dark Powers, and complete banishment for the Demonic legions, unbound by "iron and salt." This was an outcome never believed possible, and indeed undesired by the Prophets of the Church of Eighteen Eyes, for there were no plans in place to sustain society beyond it. Those fighting were supposed to die, and be rewarded with rebirth in the next world.


With the end of the End Times, the forces of the Freefolks were scattered and directionless, most returning to what was left of their homes with a mixture of relief that they survived, and a soul-crushing realisation that survival meant they had to remain and rebuild. For most, "the way things were" was no longer tenable, for the End Times revealed severe cracks in the fabric of society: corrupt nobility, divided clergy, deep inequalities, paranoia and fear from one's fellows, etc. Furthermore, no one was equipped to maintain a society after several years of dereliction of farming and production, which led to a pretty immediate societal collapse. Now, heavily armed veterans of the End Times are left to fend for themselves and carve out what they can from the rubble.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Start Date
Bladesday, 15th of Death's Dusk, 0 AE
Ending Date
Marketday, 19th of Death's Dusk, 0 AE
Conflict Result
Freefolk Victory


Dark Powers

Led by


Millions of volunteers
Millions of Demons, thousands of mortal cultists


Hundreds of thousands
All Demons banished, most cultists routed


Glorious death and ressurection
The End


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