'Khkohzd (ARK-ko-ZID)

'Khkohzd — also known as Lord Ceaseless, and the Mindkiller — is the Demon Lord of Entropy, whose will it is to create constant, ceaseless, chaotic change, so that all sense and reason is lost from reality.   'Khkohzd is a chaotic spirit, flitting from one fancy to the next, mindless of the turmoil Its madness causes. It tends to attract followers who feel constrained by reality and the status quo: the seekers, the dreamers, the revolutionaries, the outcasts. For these people, Lord Ceaseless is a breath of fresh air, a swarm of madness in a world that doesn't make sense, a reason for why everything is terrible and an excuse for why it cannot be fixed. However, the Mindkiller is fickle in the extreme, and sees the cohesion of Its own cults as anathema, often working to undermine those It has set upon the path of Its unholy mission.   Though intrinsically the enemy of all life, Its two siblings, and every God, 'Khkohzd holds particular ire for three beings:
  • They Who Call the Dawn, whom It sees as an indomitable and unstoppable natural process, forever out of reach, and seemingly incorruptable. Unlike Ledna'k, which It sees as an easily misdirected force, even if It often foils the schemes of Lord Ceasless, They Who Call the Dawn cannot be altered in Their course. Nothing can stop the sunrise, or the phases of the moon, and that is the most terrifingly sane thing that the Mindkiller can imagine.
  • Reaper & Sower, whom It sees as a representative of the maddeningly illogical and yet seemingly self-perpetuating cycle of life. Living beings are so full of chaotic potential, and yet they all seem to follow the same path: birth then death. This is a process that 'Khkohzd seeks to pervert at every turn, but is only frustrated further by the Reaper & Sower's mastery over necromancy, which is yet further stagnating!
  • Banner Bearer, whom It sees as an overbearing tyranical force, and an existential threat to Its core goals. Despite this, the strife that war brings is perfect fodder for 'Khkohzd, so often It finds Itself aiding the minions of Banner Bearer against Its better judgement.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Ruled Locations


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