Ledna'k (LED-nah-AHK)

Ledna'k — also known as Weaverender, the Unmaker, the Dark Child, and the Petulant One — is the Demon Lord of Destruction, whose will it is to destroy all that is, has been, and will ever be.   Ledna'k is a violent force which cares little for — and indeed relishes — unintended consequences from the destruction It brings. Its followers — both demonic and mortal — tend to be those who feel wronged by reality: the betrayed, the reviled, the angry, the opressed. In these beings the Weaverender sees fertile ground for wanton mayhem, nurturing their desires to lash out at the world around them. However, the Unmaker truly is indiscriminate in Its hate, and often cults of Ledna'k fall to infighting or war with one another. Any and all plans — even Its own — are subject to its endless animosity.   Though intrinsically the enemy of all life, Its two siblings, and every God, Ledna'k holds particular ire for three beings:
  • Old Lady Loom, whom It sees as an unfair arbiter of fate, pulling the strings of all that is according to Their own whims. Unlike Mu'stahcl, which It sees as a slothful is scheming presence that relies on Its inevitability, Old Lady Loom appears to follow a plan far beyond the understanding of Weaverender... and that cannot be abided.
  • Lord Velvet, whom It sees as a taunting figure, eternally in power despite Their lack of effort, infinitely arrogant despite Their lack of might. It is said that Lord Velvet's works are the only things the Unmaker takes no joy in destroying, for It understands how little Lord Velvet cares for them, and how easily They will get them back.
  • Madam Midnight, whom It sees as the most arrogant being in existence for Their presumption to craft entire planes — the Sustain and Refrain. The Petulant One yearns to destroy these worlds above all else, delighting in the images of turmoil said ruin would bring to Harmony. However, this obsession with Madam Midnight has led some scholars to theorise a greater link between the two beings, with some going so far as to suggest the Dark Child may be the get of Madam Midnight...


Ledna'k is believed to be heralded by the cursed blade Life's Last Breath, though it never appeared during the Final Battle. It is believed this blade is currently in the keeping of Ser Kerridin.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Ruled Locations


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