
A Hag is a variant of Fey reknown for their unusually strong command of magic — most notably divination and enchantment — as well as their disdain for living things. Though biologically and metaphysically distinct from other varieties of Fey, Hags are not technically a seperate species, as they are a form any Fey can theoretically take. In truth, they are more similar to a Lich, in that any Fey — or indeed any being — undergoing a suitable process can transform into a Hag (though this is far easier for some creatures than for others). To aid this process, many Hags invest newborn children upon Harmony with the seeds of their creation, turning them into a Changeling.   Hags are created through the devouring of Souls, causing a 'critical mass' of sorts to churn within their being. With each Soul thus devoured, the being slowly loses its individual cohesion within the Song of Creation and begins to intrude partially into Cacophony as parts of themselves are constantly being pulled there. This anchoring within Cacophony erodes their sense of time, allowing them to see beyond the illusion of past and present, as well as allowing their spirits to linger eternally. As such, it is unclear if a Hag can truly be killed, though their bodies can be destroyed.   Due to the lack of individual cohesion, Hags often gather in covens of three or more individuals. By banding together in this way, they not only provide a focus for their Cacophonous minds, but they also significantly heighten their magical powers.   Three Hags have thus far been identified by the Scofflaws' Guild of Sigur: Endës (slain on Reapday, 21st of High-Winter, 1 AE during the 19th foray outside her dwelling in the Bogwatch), Tmerrshëm (slain on Loomday, 5th of Seed's Dusk, 2 AE during the 31st foray within the Gremlin Caves of Ambra's Holt), and Yildirim (remains at large, believed to dwell within the Corpsefall within Lake Dvor) the mother of Cedar.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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