Luwiġi Luchero

Luwiġi Luchero

Luwiġi Luchero is a Kaharota Human Scholar from Tirat, a city in the border regions of the southern Heartlands and the Eastern Shores.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the End Times, Luwiġi studied botanical sciences in the Vekhen Empire, where he worked closely with, and befriended the master of Adi Ungur whom he began corresponding with. During the End Times, Luwiġi's friend was killed, and he vowed to look after Adi who was at that time living in Zhilisky, but with whom he had lost contact.   In the Spring of 2 AE, on the 18th of Seed's Dusk, Luwiġi arrived in Sigur and immediately purchased an advertisement in the Gol-Kasha Gazette, offering 100 gp in exchange for safe transport to Zhilisky. Cedar, Corkryn, and Ser Kerridin agreed to the contract on the 20th, and protected the scholar during their travels to the town, impressing him with their knowledge of local sites, and by wrestling a Giant Eagle.   Once in Zhilisky, Luwiġi became dismayed at the state of the town, and feared his friend's apprentice had suffered a terrible fate, but chose to stay despite the danger to track them down. Having made friends with the Scofflaws, he showed them a magical ability he know wherein he could write letters on folded paper birds which could deliver themselves to Sigur, so that he could keep in contact with them and call for aid if needs be. He took up residence in the Pitted Sickle, whilst hunting for leads on his friend. However, in his search he became magically frozen underneath Popov Estate, and was later found and captured by soldiers from Oryova. He is now imprisoned beneath the Office of the Vanatori.


Luwiġi is highly learned in botany, and has some command of magic.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Current Status
Imprisoned in Oryova
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Cis Man


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