Petar Ganev

Doctor Petar Ganev

Petar Ganev is a Kaharotan Human Physician from the Eastern Shores.   Petar was a part of the mining team that was exploring Felmithril Mine, funded by Dimitrinka Vekhen. After being rescued by the Scofflaws' Guild, he remained behind in Sigur. He operates a small surgery out of his room in Penka's Folly, but wishes to establish a proper hospital in the village.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Petar was born to a Kaharotan father and Noraddem mother in Qawwi, a coastal town in the Eastern Shores. Though surrounded by his mother's family during his early years, eventually his desire to study medicine led to him returning with his father to the Heartlands during his formative adolenscence, where he assimilated into the more cosmopolitan Kaharotan culture. Petar learned their trade in Toltina, eventually becoming a doctor assigned to the Imperial Legions.   During the End Times, Petar fought during the Dimming of Qawwi, after which they returned back to the Empire before the Final Battle. Out of a mixture of shame for having abandoned their home, and residual trauma from seeing once-friends turn against everything he knew, Petar signed up to be the doctor for Dimitrinka's expedition into Gol-Kasha.

Gender Identity

Petar is a nejn, the third gender of the Noraddem, though adopts the male gender freely in most situations, especially around people unfamiliar with Noraddem customs. They do not hide their identity, but they find few opportunities to express it among principally Kaharotan people, and are comfortable using the label "man" in most circumstances.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Current Location
Current Residence
Penka's Folly
Brown, dark
Black, short; bearded
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive, dark
Known Languages
BorachiCommon Vulgar, Noraddim


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