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Goddess of the Sky Amatsu (a.k.a. Spairus)

Loved by all of humanity, Amatsu is regarded as the graceful goddess, whose winds can soothe as easily as they can strangle. Her hot temper ignites her true power allowing her to unleash a violent array of storms, slinging bolts of white hot lightning at her foes. When dancing in the wind, one must move with its current, for should they attempt to fight against it, they will find themelves dueling with the wrath of the sky.


Amatsu's Long Bow

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Spairus Constellation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her gentle nature, and kind appearance masks a violent temper and unrivaled power. She is always dressed in ceremonial garb, slinging volley after volley of arrows at her foes. She is stunningly beautiful, and even when enraged you can't help but get lost in her petite delicate features.

Body Features

Amatsu's long black hair turns white when she is enraged and charged with lightning. Her hair seems to constantly blow in the wind, but beyond her beauty she appears mostly mortal.

Facial Features

Her skin is like soft white clouds, and her eyes a light breeze, as Amatsu is the goddess of the sky. Her soft features are what drew humanity into her open arms, and up until the Pantheon War, she offered them nothing but kindness.

Identifying Characteristics

As with any of the gods, Amatsu's striking eyes are a marker of her godhood. Long black hair that billows in the wind turns white has her full power is unleashed.

Physical quirks

Amatsu is always depicted floating above the ground, but in reality she often loved to spend time amongst humanity, her feet touching the same earth that theirs touched. It is only in battle that her place is in the sky.

Special abilities

Originator of Wind Magic , Amatsu wields the sky as her weapon. She can redirect armies, or even strangle and suffocate them with her power. When enraged, the might of her storms is unleashed, allowing her to channel lightning and create storms to attack her enemies. She is a true force of nature, and one many wish to never see enraged.

Apparel & Accessories

Amatsu is always wearing ceremonial robes and garb, mostly made up of sheer fabrics that swirl around her like the wind. She wields a long bow whose arrows are made of the wind, and whose abilities change depending on the power she imbues them with.

Specialized Equipment

Amatsu's bow slings arrows that she can choose to imbue with different forms of wind magic. The bow itself was a gift from Kio, God of the Earth, who created the wood in its shaft so that it could withstand any force she filled it with.


Hobbies & Pets

Amatsu has a large Fox creature named Liko which watches over the humans in her land.
Divine Classification
Goddess of the Sky
Current Status
Unknown following the pantheon war
Unknown but likely eons old
Current Residence
unknown following the pantheon war, but likely within the realm of the gods.
Her eyes are an alluring grey, like a whirlwind they beckons you to come closer and disappear within an abyss
Long and Black, It ripples in the air around her and is often adorned with gold pins and ornaments. When she wields lightning her hair begins to turn white and at full power it is completely white.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, fair as clouds and smooth like a breeze. She is porcelain that could cut you if you aren't careful.
Goddess of the Sky


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