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God of Soul Erra (a.k.a. Corvius)

Catalyst of the Pantheon War, Erra is a fearsome deity whose power to manipulate the Vi is overwhelming. His ego is fed by the knowledge that none of his brethren can confidently take him on alone. Erra's desire to cultivate his own power and feed on humanity rather than create a godling mortal protector in his image sparked great conflict and divided the pantheon, thus causing the Pantheon War. As a result, very few Soul Magic wielders roam Machar anymore. As life leaves the eyes of a soldier, there is an instant in which his soul is lost to the clutches of Erra, waiting to be absorbed or forced back into his body, reanimating his corpse. Death has a name and it is Erra.


Erra's Scythe

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Corvius Constellation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and Slender, Erra's physicality embodies the fear attached to his name. His muscled physique parts crowds, and rarely do his shoulders rise with breath. Erra does not exist between life an death, he is death in human form.

Body Features

As Erra battles, he begins to absorb the souls of his victims, charging his flesh with an otherworldly energy. Like Kalir, his power grows as he kills, with each soul absorbed increasing his strength and speed immensely and adding abilities to his aresenal. While his flesh is charged, it appears translucent and made of his greenish soul energy, and at full power he is a flash of light exploding across the battlefield.

Facial Features

Erra's face is cold stone, because the face of death musn't greet you with a smile regardless of how good he feels while swallowing your soul.

Identifying Characteristics

As with any of the gods, Erra's striking eyes are a marker of his godhood. His eyes are twin pools of souls, and staring into them too long comes with the risk of dissapearing within.

Physical quirks

As he absorbs more souls, Erra begins to twitch and jitter, is physical form buzzing around as if it can't contain the vast amount of power. With careful practice, he has managed to weaponize this movement, allowing him to phase through attacks, and "glitch" into the winning strike of a sword fight.

Special abilities

Originator of Soul Magic, Erra draws upon the Vi within his enemies. In most cases his enemies must die for him to touch their Vi, but at full power he can drain the Vi of the living as well. His basic abilities involve absorbing energy and blasting it out at foes, but he also contains the ability to raise the dead, forcing corrupted Vi into their corpses rather than absorbing them. At full power, his twitches can be forced into a "blink" allowing him to warp distances as he battles. He can also force the energy into laser like blasts, which during the Pantheon war, was strong enough to overpower both Lua and Kos's fully powered blasts.

Apparel & Accessories

Sturdy Armor covers most of his body, and it is specially designed to move with his twitches at full power. He also wields a signature scythe, a weapon formed of his own bone.

Specialized Equipment

Erra's Scythe is his signature weapon. It is formed from his bone, and thus can be conjured at will. It's form can be slightly altered each time he summons it, but one thing remains true, its blade never dulls.
Divine Classification
God of Soul
Current Status
Unknown following the godling war, but tales tell of souls floating through the air in the east.
Unknown but likely Eons old
Current Residence
unknown following the Pantheon War
Green eyes pulse with the souls of the dead, and should you look into them, you risk your soul joining the ranks within.
Graying hair is brushed back, and hangs to the base of his neck.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, almost ethereal, that of a ghost.
God of Soul


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