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Lua and Kos

Gods of Duality Lua and Kos (a.k.a. Geminus)

Seemingly sharing one mind, Lua and Kos represent all things Dual in life. They're the least tangible of the pantheon, and often shift their forms to present themselves differently. Lua, known by some as the god of the moon, is legendary for their impressive magic ability, wielding Ice Magic cold enough to turn a battlefield into a field of frost in seconds. Their inverse, Kos, is known for their Fire Magic which has turned many armies into ash and melted metal. Together these forces of nature, while often viewed as childlike, are not to be trifled with, and angering them is equivalent to angering the infinite power of the sun, and the chilling embrace of the moon.


Lua and Kos's divine bracelets

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Geminus Constellation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The twins rely on their magical ability, and thus they appear to be weak and not suited for physical combat. Their skin is semi transparent, and you can see their pure Vi  flowing beneath.

Body Features

To describe the ever changing bodies of these twins would be to describe every star in the night sky; it simply can't be done. While they appear to be children, do not underestimate these powerful gods.

Facial Features

Their twin faces are that of young children and often cause them to be overlooked and looked down upon.

Identifying Characteristics

As with any of the gods, Lua and Kos's striking eyes are a marker of their godhood. Unique to them, the twins eyes have heterochromia, appearing as though they traded with each other. It is for this reason that each can in some way channel the others signature energy.

Physical quirks

They often appear lost in thought, but are actually communicating with each other telepathically. This vacant look adds to their childlike aesthetic.

Special abilities

Lua is the originator of Ice Magic, allowing them to manipulate and generate ice at will. Their full power would lead to the destruction of the mortal world, and it is thanks to the bracelet they wear that they can unleash their power in a way that is controlled.   Kos is the originator of Fire Magic, allowing them to manipulate and generate fire at will. Controlling the wild flames they create would be impossible if not for the bracelet they wear.

Apparel & Accessories

the twins have a single bracelet that loops around one of their wrists and allows them to better channel their magic.

Specialized Equipment

A mysterious stone found within each of the bracelets causes their magic to surge in a way that is much more precise. To quell the wrath of the moon, or contain the power of the sun would lead to the destruction of the world, but thanks to these stones, they can do so with control.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Both Lua and Kos don't conform to a gender binary, often shifting fluidly between male presenting and female presenting forms, or somewhere in between.

Personality Characteristics


Lua and Kos are fluid gods whose desires shift frequently. They desire peace, but war is the inverse of peace, and thus they desire a world in which both principles coexist. They are generally more so followers than they are leaders, and therefore have many of their motivations enforced by others will.
Divine Classification
Gods of Duality
Current Status
Unknown following the Pantheon War
Unknown but likely eons old
Current Residence
unknown but likely somewhere in the realm of the gods
Both male and female, the twins represent the duality and fluidity of all things including gender.
Both have heterochromia with each having an eye resembling the sun or moon
Changing often depending on the way they present themselves, but Lua's is always a silver that glows with blue hues, and Kos's a gold that glows with orange hues
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin that seems to glow from beneath the surface
Gods of Duality


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