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To the east of Machar lies the island of Yu'Han. Containing mountain ranges that reach like fingers towards the sky and valleys that dip into snowy forests, Yu'Han is a land of duality. Ruling since the formation of the country before the Pantheon War, is the Yu'Han Dynasty with Emperor Bohai Doujin currently sitting the throne.   In northern Yu'Han, the bustling former mining town of Shen is the center of academic progress in Machar. The Imperial Academy is constantly trying to better understand Vi and the way in which it makes up the universe.   Within the capitol city of Kong Liu sit two temples, one for Lua and one for Kos. The people of Yu'Han worship at these temples and pray that one day their gods will return to them.   Studies of astrology point to the idea that an eclipse, representing the sun and moon becoming one, signals the return of Lua and Kos to Machar, and so the people of Yu'Han pray constantly for one to take place.

Articles under Yu'Han


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