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Words of Power
  A magical tome which holds incantations and acts as a magical catalyst. A mageborn's ultimate weapon and best friend, a grimoire can make the difference between a spark and an inferno.  


  A grimoire is much like any other book one may find, with the exception that it holds untapped reserves of magical power. Commonly bound in durable leather, yellowing pages, and containing indecipherable incantations to the "unattuned". These books have been passed down through the generations, filled with a mageborn's ancestral knowledge and spells. Each page has been thoughtfully crafted by skilled magicians, and cared for as if it was a precious child. There is no love that rivals that of a mageborn and their grimoire.  


  To create a working grimoire, a mageborn must first inscribe incantations of Systems of Magic, or spells. Once the desired inscriptions have been made, one must continuously pour magic into the book, creating a magical battery of sorts. Once charged sufficiently, the grimoire becomes a magical catalyst, aiding its user in all things arcane.  


  Freshly created grimoires are notoriously difficult to use proficiently. This is due to the lower threshold of magic that the tome has stored and used. However, once a grimoire has been used consistently, not only does its threshold increase, but so does its output, creating a magical amplification. This is why the oldest of grimoires and unnatural catalysts are the most sought after.
"Look upon our words with care, my children. For the power of words can be unfathomable." -Taken from the Tabaxian Records


  Type: Magical
  Rarity: Legendary
  Price: Invaluable
  Locations: Tabaxi ruins, strongholds, noble houses


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