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Systems of Magic

Introduction to Magic

  While magic has existed since the Age of Dragons, the exact mechanics are still widely a mystery. What we do know is that all current understanding of magic is derived from the advancements of the Tabaxi. From their written documents, we know that magic is a process of metaphysical manipulation.  

The Six-Point Star

  All magic is derived from the most basic of magic circles, which is the Six-Point Star. Since the Star's utilization from the early days of Tabaxian pilgrimage, mankind has revered the Six-Point Star as symbol of the divine. Any changes to the fundamental structure of the Star is seen as the highest blasphemy, regardless of what civilization one may belong to. The Star itself is a functional Magic Circle, showing an individual their affinities, focus, and school (if applicable). Oddly, tests have shown that their is no magical cost incurred in casting this Magic Circle, be it ritual or otherwise.  

Magical Focus

  Each and every living being in Goia has some form of magical capabilities, represented by one of the six magical focuses. These focuses are Erosion, Banish, Shadow, Metal, Decay, and Summon. These focuses are often reflected in an individual's personality, hobbies, or even physical appearance. However, this is not always the case. Unlike the spells cast from a school of magic, spells that originate from a focus do not incur any cost on the caster. Focus magic, however, cannot produce effects from nothing, only having the ability to alter what already exists within reality.  
  While all life is granted a focus, a Mageborn is granted a choice between two focuses. This is seemingly due to a much higher natural proclivity for magic. While some Mageborns may never fully discover their talent, their highly sought after abilities almost always guarantee a proper education in the magical arts. While a magical focus is important, this education is widely focused on the pupil's school of magic.  

Schools of Magic

  As there is no true categorization for magical abilities, as Mageborns can ultimately learn spells from every school, they have been loosely defined by an individual's natural proficiency. Unfortunately, many skills of mageborns often cross boundaries from one school into the next, making any formal organization system difficult. The following classes of magic are used to loosely define existing spells:  
Things are rarely as they seem in Goia, and casters who practice the deceptive art of Illusion prefer it that way. Illusion is an excellent talent for a caster who wishes to swindle a merchant, sneak around undetected, or drive a creature into a frenzy to escape. Any spell that alters the perceived reality of either target or caster falls under the school of Illusion.  
Alteration magic can be used to change the fundamentals of physics and biology. It can harden the caster's skin until it is like armor, cause a lock to pop open without a key, or burden an enemy with invisible weight. Alteration magic's greatest strengths are outside of combat. Alteration is different to Illusion in that it alters the rules of nature, creating a reality that is recognized by everyone, rather than in the mind of the caster and the target.  
Seen as the most direct form of magic, Destruction class spells are defined as "having the ability to harm living and nonliving things, and include elemental damage, draining, damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration magical effects". As such, elemental-type magic is often placed in the Destruction category.  
Accepted by scholars and mages alike, the School of Creation is known to be one of the most difficult magical practices, but by far the most rewarding. Masters of Creation can summon creatures of imagination, powerful tools formed from pure magic, and change the will of nature. While Creation is a skill coveted by many, its mastery requires the furthest education by far, offering very few success within this school.  
The school of Recovery is dedicated to healing injuries, curing illnesses, poisons, and diseases, the fortification of attributes, shielding and preventing damage, and also includes some spells that manipulate the wildlife in various ways, most commonly causing them to flee. Similar abilities can be found within the Banish focus, however with far less potency.  
Sometimes referred to as "Death Magic", the School of Necromancy is only recorded in the Tabaxian Records.While there is perhaps no stronger classification of magic, spells from the school of Necromancy are seen as taboo for two reasons. One, it is believed that these spells disrupt souls of the deceased, waking them from their long-earned rest. Two, spells from this school require near-constant channeling, exponentially increasing their cost, therefore its risk of Husking is far greater. From what is documented by the Tabaxi, a master of Necromancy was capable of granting souls to inanimate objects, sensing living creatures, trapping souls, and even the potential to render its master immortal.  

Types of Magic

  While all magic can only be loosely categorized into a school based on its effect, all magic can be identified by its method of casting. All magic requires the use of a Magic Circle in order to be cast. However, not all magic circles are created equal. A Magic Circle that has been created from scratch is known as "Ritual" magic, while magic cast from an existing Magic Circle is referred to as "Cast" magic.   The effects of ritual magic are far more potent than cast magic, and incur half the cost. However, the time spent on creating the Magic Circle can often take days. Conversely, cast magic can be used instantly, but for full cost. Due to this, most Mageborn carry what is known as a Grimoire, or an item containing pre-created magic circles.   Below is an example of a common Destruction school spell: Fireball.
While the inscriptions may look random to those who are not magically inclined, those well-versed in the art of magic can decipher its structure. Magical circles can be read from the center outwards. As this Magic Circle only has a single central design, the cast spell will be of singular design as well. With four branching circles, we can infer that there are four seperate variables being used. One to create the fire, one to maintain its size, one to maintain its heat, and one to propel the flame.   Here is an example of a mastery-level Destruction school spell: Firestorm.
Note the varying complexity in the circle's center design. Here we can see a five-point star linking the branch circles, as well as a triangle once again linking three of the branched circles. We can then infer that three of the variables are applied twice within this spell. Those three being fireball, lightning bolt, and vortex, giving us the needed ingredients of a Firestorm spell. The two branching circles that are not being applied twice are to maintain the spell's size and location.  

Costs of Magic

  As stated previously, any spell from a school will incur a cost, while magic from a focus does not. While costs vary depending on an individual's origin school and the school of the spell being cast, all Mageborns cannot incur a cost greater than 24, the minimum amount of hours that need to be passed before a Vesa Diena ritual can be conducted, cleansing an individual of "soul-corruption" or Husking.   Below is a graph dipicting spell costs for an individual in the Recovery school using Cast magic (Ritual magic would incur half the cost).
As you can see, the costs of spells can vary widely. Most notable is the increased cost depending on the amount of individuals effected by a single spell. Using the above example of a Recovery Mageborn casting Firestorm, the instant cost is 3, even if the spell does not effect a target. The caster is always counted as the individual. However, even if the Firestorm spell was intended to impact a singular target, but instead reaches a building, the cost becomes 12, instead of the 6 meant for a group. This is why it is imperative for mageborns to verify and carefully construct their magic circles.  

Magic Theories

  While we know a great deal about existing magic and its consequences, we have little to no knowledge of how magic exists in the world. Theories range from speculative to downright ludicrous. The theory that currently holds the most traction and is being investigated by academics from all over the world is one of reincarnation. It is theorized that during the Ten Thousand Year War, the souls of the deceased were either diluted into the existing races, or spread throughout Goia at a metaphysical level. This theory states that mageborns do not hold an exclusive right to create magic, but are simply predisposed to the interaction of these souls.
"People tell ghost stories to frighten children. To scare adults, they tell the stories of Mageborns." -Heike Huhle
Metaphysical, Arcane


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