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Kingdom of Rewen

Independence As Unity
  Possibly the most diverse in terms of both culture and geography, Rewen is a resource powerhouse. From its barren deserts to its tropical rain forests, hidden gems of beauty and wealth are ripe for the taking, or to be exploited by the elite.  


  Located along the southern edge of Goia, Rewen boasts the most unique landscapes among the other nations. One can find fame among the wastelands of sand in the form of long abandoned ruins, or get lost for eternity, buried in the sands. Avid hunters will find the plains of the savanna, stretching to ample grasslands, the perfect location to look for prized pelts, and the would-be adventures can brave the forests to search for fabled flora or fauna alike. Of course, the real beauty of Rewen comes from the diverse lands, but also the imposing scale of its cities. Dotted along the sprawling coastlines and rivers, Rewen's settlements hold an imposing aura thanks to masterful masonry, courtesy of the clay-rich soil. Whether one would like to go sight-seeing at the western sand dunes, or swim across Dragon's Mouth, Rewen holds value to everyone on Goia.  


  While Rewen's diversity comes in many forms, perhaps the most abundant would be among its peoples. Men, women, and children from various corners of Goia often flock to Rewen's borders for the inclusive "Tolerance Laws" imposed under Queen Hahn's rule. These laws dictate many facets of life in the nation, from job opportunities, religious practices, and even tax rates. To become a Rewen citizen, one must stand trial and if they are seen as a benefit to the wider society, they will be granted a visa to stay within Rewen and eventually become a full fledged citizen after a secondary trial. The Tolerance Laws also allow for religious freedom in all forms, the only exception being if a tribunal finds a particular practice to violate basic human rights.   With undoubtedly the most complex legislative system on Goia, the crime rates among Rewen citizens is astoundingly low. However, funding this system has been demanding for Rewen's citizens, leaving most in poor conditions. While many Rewen-born civilians find life amicable, those finding refuge within the nation's borders find life to be more tedious than they had expected of the renowned "safe haven".  


  Having an abundance of resources available, Rewen is largely self-sufficient. Very few products are exported, the governing body believing that the most valuable of resources should belong to the individual, rather than the state. Basic luxury goods such as sugar, silk, and industrial ores are shipped to a wide array of foreign recipients, though internal markets always take precedence. Other necessities such as parchment, lumber, or rations, are imported from Rewen's neighboring nations. Currently, an unspoken trade agreement between Rewen and the Theocracy of Mordeo is finding continued success after Queen Hahn took the throne.   Terra-forming and forestation efforts in the south have been underway for decades, seeing the barren desert slowly recede and offer more farm-able land. Despite their best efforts, the far south of Rewen is still widely inhospitable. The efforts are a heavy burden on the state's treasury and civil unrest regarding the decision to continue is beginning to grow.  


  At the heart of the Rewen government is the all-encompassing Tolerance Laws, as well as the tenacious Vanessa Hahn. The monarch's resilience is always a topic of pride for any Rewen, though the upper echelon of society often feels the pressure of her reformations. With the Tolerance Laws having been in practice for several years now, society as a whole believes that their ruler truly has her nation's best interests at heart. There have even been talks of the Queen abdicating her throne in favor of a new system of government, one that is decided purely by majority vote. Such a system has never been put into practice in Rewen's history and the potential for a true leader to rise has sparked an age of adoration for the current Queen.  


  With just over 12% of the population serving in the Rewen army, internal policing is left to the settlements. While this may prove to be a risky practice eventually, there have been few complaints of corruption, as well as the crime rates holding, instead of increasing. While settlements are responsible for raising and maintaining their own militias, this allows Rewen to focus all 900,000 of its soldiers to remain active and in the field. With its variety of environments, Rewen troops are trained to fight in any and all conditions, making them a truly formidable force, despite their low numbers.
"The law is absolute, and any who deny it are afraid of true change." -Queen Vanessa Hahn


  Capital: Holton
  Languages: Temuj, Mordean, Narvan, Basic
  Government: Monarchy, ruled by Queen Vanessa Hahn
  Population: 7.6 Million
  Wealth: Poor
  Economy: Self-sustaining, Trade

Trade Agreement

Trade Agreement

Symbiotic relationship for minerals and rations. Penalty due to Mordean sacrifices.


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