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Theocracy of Mordeo

By Piety and Power
With its expansive plains, sprawling rivers, and thick forests, Mordeo holds a natural beauty that can distract any would-be invaders from the defensive powerhouse that is Mordeo. With its main landmass seperated into four sections by rivers, this isolationist nation holds a particular charm for anyone seeking privacy among the smaller settlements.  


  Mordeo's southern region is flanked on either side by picturesque bays. To the west, the land opens to The Quiet Sea by means of the Dragon's Mouth, which is shared by the Kingdom of Rewen. On its eastern flank lies another bay shared by Rewen, which reaches to the southern ice caps but expands beyond the horizon to the east. Full exploration of this sea is currently ongoing, but not seen as a priorty. At the nation's center is the capital city of Akat where the current governing body is held. The grand city is situated on a small river penninsula along the Contianum River, the second largest river in Mordeo. To its immediate south lies the Lahja River, which spans the entirity of the nation from north to south, and is the longest river in all of Goia. To Lahja's east is the Claurona River which feeds into Mordeo's eastern bay and reaches the Loset Mountains to the north, specifically the Loset Volcano, creating multiple natural occuring hot springs.   Along the north eastern edge of the country, Mordeo shares its borders with both the Kingdom of Praweth and the Republic of Ozin, though the mountanious terrain provides a natural barrier against unsanctioned entry. The only hospitable passage through the mountains is via Loset Pass, an area of notable conflict due to its importance in transportation of goods and military access.   Lastly, Mordeo shares a border with Rewen along its southwestern edge, as well as a portion of the Lahja River's length. This shared river is often utilized between the two nations for trade of luxury items, transportation of diplomatic personnel, as well as ingress and egress to either country.  


  At its core, Mordeo is a strict theocratic society, where religious standing may dictate multiple facets of a civilian's life. Through its mandatory educational system named the Divination School, children start their education at the age of seven, where they will study subjects ranging from physical education to mathmatics. Upon graduation at the age of fourteen, students are given designations that will determine their placement within the heirarchal society. These designations are as follows: High Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestess, Saint (Sect Leader), Mage, Missionary, Crusader, Templar, Exorcist, and Worshipper. A civilian's authority in society is dictated by this scale.   While one's self-worth is often percieved by their designation, the outer settlements of Mordeo often form independent hierarchies as most are comprised of Worshippers, Templars, or Missionaries. Away from the prying eyes of The High Order, Mordean subjects often live their day to day lives as equals, only differing to their societal rank in times of legal conflict. One such occasion is during Mordeo's bi-annual sacrifices. While the country is often criticized for its practice of human sacrifice, the results cannot be overlooked, which feeds into the religious fanatacism of the Mordean people.   The sacrifices are chosen from a pool of Mordeo's 99 settlements, where six unlucky individuals are specifically chosen by a member of the Priest/Priestess sect. Regardless of their standing or designation, those selected for sacrifice are forced to comply, as the penalty for refusing is execution. To have a successful ritual, the Priest or Priestess must carefully choose sacrifices that adhere to certain physical criteria. Age, physical health, and fertility are all considered when choosing a suitable subject for sacrifice. Though the practice is widely accepted as barbaric outside or Mordeo's borders, many of its civilians consider it an honor to be chosen and willingly accept their fate.  


  As an isolationist nation, Mordeo's economy is widely dependent on internal markets. Its main products are lumber, furs, and minerals. The few items that are exported for trade range from tobacco, gemstones, and artisan crafts. The overrall wealth of Mordeo's citizens dissipates drastically, starting from Akat. The farther one travels from the capital city, the less prosperous the land, the poorer the average citizen. However, exceptions to this are found in many of the coastal, and riverside settlements.  


  Whilst Mordeo is officially organized as an oligarchy, ruled cooperatively by the leaders of each societal designation who form The High Order, the High Priest/Priestess has absolute veto power and command. However, this "rule of few" is often understood to be a ruling body composed of the best in their fields, which in turn often yields the best policies. Whilst widely dependent on those appointed to Sainthood, The High Order has proven to be an exceptional body of government at this time.  


  Comprised mainly of the Crusaders and Templars, Mordeo's military focus lays mostly in quantity over quality. With its internal policing body numbering at a total of 1.8 million Templars, its protective force of Crusaders is a whopping 2.3 million. Mordeo's standing force is estimated to be around 1.2 million, with the other 3 million held in reserves and rotation.   Equipment for Mordean soldiers vary by occupation. For Crusaders, who are often the leading edge in a charge, or stationed defensively across Mordean borders, soldiers will have the choice of full plate armor, or the lighter chain mail. Their weapons range from long and short swords, bucklers and kite shields, and even the odd crossbow or raiper. Templars, however, have very little in the way of choice. Each Templar is outfitted with a wooden kite shield, a shortsword, and a brigandine (a leather garmet lined with riveted steel plates).
"The nation is under the rule of the High Order, which the High Priestess has under her thumb, who is only answerable to Akatosh himself. It begs the question, are our lives being dictated by a dead god?" -Caelan Bell (Exorcist Colt)


  Capital: Akat
  Languages: Mordean, Basic
  Government: Theocratic Oligarchy, ruled by The High Order
  Population: 8.3 Million
  Wealth: Average
  Economy: Isolationist, luxury trade

Trade Agreement

Symbiotic relationship for minerals and rations. Penalty due to Mordean sacrifices.


Military conflict has since dissolved into diplomatic dissputes and trade embargos.

Open Hostilities

Border disputes and light skirmishes.


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