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Republic of Ozin

Home of The Imperials
  Ozin is a wealthy and powerful nation situated along the equatorial center of Goia. Known for its expansive forestry and spanning meadows, Ozin holds a natural beauty that few other countries can match.  


  The southern region of Ozin has for much of its history been a temperate region that supports the crops and livestock which feed the remainder of the province. This is enclosed by forests and broken by the rivers which feed the plain. The southeast gives way to mountains, while the north becomes more thickly forested as the land gives way to the colder climate of the Principality of Suland. The Loset Mountains in the south are an extension of the Kingdom of Praweth and Mordean borders. While there is a road network, much travel in the province has historically been by river.
  In the North the Asar Lake is the most prominent area of the land, a large lake with the capital city of Frohn at its heart. While an isolated body of water, Lake Asar provides easy trade routes to the north with Suland and its sister cities. It is through these maritime trade routes that the esteemed Ozin-wealth originates and continues to grow. However, even though much of the Ozin economy comes from nautical trading, Ozin does not have an expansive navy, as most of its ships are landlocked within the country.  


  Education and wealth are broadly distributed across all social classes where Imperial culture has flourished. Many citizens are literate, with the exception being the scattered hunting settlements to the West. Being situated between Praweth, Suland, and Mordeo, Ozin has absorbed the cultures of peoples all throughout Goia.   Ozin's own native culture is split between the Northern and Southern settlements. The former foster aesthetics and lean towards religious mysticism, while the latter are pragmatic and hardy in outlook. The Northern peoples typically form the ruling classes of Ozin and the capital city, although the noble lines have often been drawn from the south.  


  The economy of Ozin is split between the different areas of the province. The north, focused around Asar Lake, is the wealthiest region, as it was here that merchants started to make their fortunes in the First Era of Man. The east and south of Ozin is very self-reliant, as reflected in the independent attitude as a whole. The economy of Ozin has been used as the model for economies throughout the eastern hemisphere. Lumber and textiles are its main exports, along with more esoteric treasure-goods, such as hide, sugar, and silk.  


  The Elder Council functions as the primary legislative authority of Ozin. The Council convenes at its chambers in the White-Gold Tower, in the capital of Frohn. The Council passes a variety of legislation, and has the power to levy taxes from Imperial provinces. The Emperor possesses a veto power over any legislation passed by the Council.   Appointed by the Emperor, the Council is typically made up of the wealthiest and most powerful men and women in the nation. In times where the succession of the Empire is disputed, the Elder Council has both ruled as an interim government and confirmed the final choice of successor. This state of affairs has persisted between the various periods of government.   Each major city has its own Count or Countess who rules over the city, and the surrounding county. The capital does not have a Count as it is ruled directly by the Emperor.  


  As the capital province, the region has unrivaled access to the Imperial Legion. The force itself comprises several Legions, and is the main fighting force in Ozin. Although the majority of the Legion's soldiers come from the southern settlements, the Legion is composed of many races from throughout Goia. The Legion's tactics and organization come, to a large degree, from Praweth practices learned from slaves captured after the failed Baska invasion in the First Era of Man. Its headquarters is located in the Frohn Prison District.   Most of the Legion wears armor that is a combination of leather and chain mail, resembling Roman auxiliary armor. The Legion Legates, however, wear Imperial Armor which largely resemble Roman Lorica Segmentata armor or Roman Legionnaire armor. These show the status of each soldier. Imperial legionnaires are trained in a variety of weapons, from pole-arms to all forms of blades, as well as having specialized cavalry, archers and healers, though the infantry comprises the majority of the forces.
"The important thing is this: to be able to give up, in any moment, all that we are for what we can become." -Emperor Aldric Klaus


  Capital: Frohn
  Languages: Basic
  Government: Monarchistic Republic, ruled by Emperor Aldric Klaus
  Population: 7.6M
  Wealth: Well-Off
  Economy: Trade

Open Hostilities

Border disputes and light skirmishes.


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