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Coexistence of Life and Death

  Formed from the souls of Primordial Dragons, Tabaxi were sustained within the balance of living and dying. The magical properties of a dragon's soul animated the deceased remains of early humans. Through the unnatural husbandry of life and death, the Tabaxi took on forms of what they believed to reflect their elegance and intellect. Unfortunately for these creatures, the power held in the reincarnated soul was too much for any living being to maintain. In order to nullify this, all Tabaxi were inexplicably linked, sharing a solitary conscious and will. Through this inter-connectivity of souls, the Tabaxi largely operated as a single organism.  


  Harnessing the power of the dragons, Tabaxis created the first system of magic known to Goia. The initial, rudimentary design of this system could only manipulate the elements. However, as a linked legion of consciousness, their proficiency rapidly increased. It is believed that at the time of their extinction, Tabaxis were capable of summoning souls from the afterlife and granting them eternal life. The hypothesized motive behind these magical advancements was their desire for independence, and to return their souls to the great unknown.  


  Little is known about how the Tabaxi lived their day to day lives. It is widely believed that they did not require nutrition of any kind to sustain their life, foregoing the basics of civil advancements. Yet, there are mysteries behind many of their actions, most notably the Tabaxian Records. These documents were the first papers of recorded history, however the importance of recording events for a hive-mind species is unknown.   Through these records, we can gain several insights to how the Tabaxi operated. Firstly, the records make no mention of a developed "moral code". This would imply that the Tabaxi either had full understanding and agreement of ethics, or had no awareness of moral quandaries. Secondly, the Tabaxi held no regard for a homeland. From what can be translated, these creatures believed that the entirety of Goia was a singular being, much like themselves. This belief led them to cultivate, colonize, and terraform large swathes of land, most likely aided by their magical abilities. Lastly, and most importantly, Tabaxi had no perception of time. This could have been caused by a intertwining of multiple souls and consciousness, leading to confusion and inability to perceive the passage of time. However, many see their nomadic activity and spread of organized society as a clear sign of not only perceiving the present, but the future as well.  

Known Activity

  Known authority, Giles Hyll, has been given credit for finding multiple landmarks with Tabaxian origins. From the city of Orkhilger in the north, Akat in the east, and the lake of Artemi in the south. However, the strongest evidence of a Tabaxi presence is in the northern provinces of Credia. Hyll hypothesizes that among the wildlands of northern Credia lies the capital of Tabaxian culture, which she refers to as the "City of Souls".  


  From what little evidence there is of Tabaxi influence, it is difficult to determine the cause of the Tabaxi's disappearance. While having eternal life, there is no sign of any living Tabaxi today. It can only be surmised that a cataclysmic event had somehow ended all Tabaxi life simultaneously. Although seemingly impossible, it is perhaps due to the linked souls of the Tabaxi that created a cascading, domino-like effect, killing off the entire race in moments. Others, like Hyll, believe that the Tabaxi had finally obtained mastery over life itself, transitioning to live in a plane invisible to those who have not been "enlightened". Regardless as to how, the Tabaxian race no longer holds a presence on Goia. Even their efforts to aid primitive societies has long since been forgotten by the majority of Goia's current inhabitants. Only few philosophers and researchers continue the search in understanding our ancient ancestors.
"And from our hands sprouts the eternal paradox of life."


  • Lifespan
    • Eternal
  • Size
    • Varying from 4m-8m in height
  • Homeland
    • Unknown
  • Population
    • Extinct
  • Languages
    • Telepathic
  • Religion
    • Unknown


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