
61st year of the 2nd Age


The Laws of Gokrenxia


A force of nature, an ever-present energy no different than gravity or light. It can be harnessed and bent to one's will in predictible ways that are taught through schools across the land. Styles of bringing this power into existence vary wildly. Some people seem more naturally adept at the ability.  

The gods of Gokrenxia are myriad.

There are no records of their physical manifestation, and speculations run rampant as to why that is. They are active and engage with the wolrd through directing and communing with their followers (should they choose). They have the ability to bestow divine favor, which scholars note is similar to, but different than, the energy driving the schools of magic. The Celestials are not so easily pegged as "good" or "evil." Every god, every goddess, every powerful creature has their own sundry goals. Rarely, are they forthcoming with those intetions.


How Gokrenxia came to be is a great mystery. The earliest Elven scrolls date back 1,000 years, but stop quite abruptly at that point. The Elves refer to this phenomenon as the Praznidat, or the "Empty Past." They claim to have no knowledge dating past that point, but skepticism is high and most believe the Elves are hiding something. Those who have attempted to delve back further have frequently gone mad.   Sacred documents from various faiths are also eerily silent on the topic. The celestials are either unwilling, or perhaps more frightenigly, unaware, of how Gokrenxia came to be.

Principal Geography & Features

The geography of Gokrenxia should feel familiar to our own. It is a temperate world, with a bio-diverse mix of mountains, grasslands, and forests.

Initial Active Setting

Gokrenxia currently exists as a single, very large continent. While I Initially, intended to focus on Eastern Gokrenxia, the focus has shifted quite organically since the world's inception to really orbit around the North Central Kingdom of Vath'azen and what's happening there since the Kynekin Revolution overthrew the Elven Empire.