Session 17 - Silas Smackdown

General Summary

28 Desnus (May) 4725   Amidst the echoes of recent turmoil, the party was tasked with an engineering feat: restoring functionality to the ancient elevator destroyed by the Ebon Aspect. With Cal's adept manipulation of the Mending Cantrip and a collective effort in cable management, the team brought the lift back to life in half an hour.   After a rest that was far from restful due to intense nightmares courtesy of Asmodeus and his slain followers, it was time to leave the Dark Cathedral and return to the surface. Donning cultist garb allowed the heroes to pass unnoticed among the miners, whose desensitized gazes expressed their resignation to the cult's presence. Yet, returning to the surface wasn't without its logistical hurdles, necessitating some intimidation of the guards for using Dourstone's carts to transport their newfound loot back to civilization.   After setting up base camp at the Bud farm, the heroes rested and recovered from their underground ordeal. Before sunrise the following day, Dav ventured back into Ravengro to put eyes on Clover Brightfoot and see how she was connected to the Faceless One. He found her back at the Emporium, barely clinging to life. Her face was taking on skeletal features, and her breathing was shallow. The priests of Pharasma, Father Sullus and Father Harmanas, came to check on Clover but seemed unable to do anything to help her.   After sunrise, the party split up to take on multiple objectives. Vaz'non remained behind at the farm to monitor their cargo. Fiernar, Dav, and Alfie went to visit Clover. Cal and Tike Myson went to return a severed head and incriminating supplies to Boniface Halbert. Boniface acknowledged the skull's return and gave the reward to Cal and Tike, refusing to hand any more reward money "in case the others were not alive." He was persuaded to buy the supplies back, which covered the cost of the missing reward portion.   At the Emporium, Alfie used a spell to delay the disease he believed was draining the life from Clover. It wasn't a cure, but it seemed to postpone her demise. Alfie believed the illness was related to a curse in some way. Dav searched the room and found a bloodstone medallion broken in half. He took it with him in hopes of investigating it further. Dav and Fiernar left, while Alfie remained to aid Clover in any way he could.   On the way out of town, the heroes were approached by Sheriff Wilhelm Clemence, his deputy Freyja, and some additional reinforcements. Joining them was a young bounty hunter named Silas the Hunter flanked by five bodyguards. Silas had a bounty for Cal and had come to collect it.   Before he could, Alistair Clancy rode up in his magical wheelchair. He needed supplies picked up and wanted the heroes to help him. The sheriff, not wanting to cross the brother of Governor-Mayor Leonard Clancy, backed off. Silas begrudgingly left with a promise of a future encounter, allowing the party a brief respite under the guise of aiding Alistair with errands. Alistair told the bounty hunter that if he wanted to take Cal in for the bounty, he could do so at Alistair's residence, where no civilians could get hurt.   As expected, Silas came to the wizard's home to collect Cal. With no intention of going quietly, combat ensued. Silas, accompanied by his cadre of bodyguards, engaged with the heroes. During the fight, Silas produced a token, the "Strategist's Gambit," obtained through a combat tournament known as the Ascendant Path. However, even with the token, Silas still chose to flee as soon as his bodyguards were defeated. In his haste, Silas left behind the contract. It was issued through the Order of the Hunt and placed by a drow named "Vaelin Sunshadow."   Back inside the house, Alistair questioned the heroes about all the gear they stripped off the bodyguards. They admitted they needed the coin, so Alistair put them in contact with a tiefling merchant named Zephyr. In return, the heroes would tell Vaz'non that he owed Alistair a game of Dragonchess. The two had played in the past, and Alistair wanted a rematch.

Rewards Granted

  • Loot was distributed after selling at Zephyr's shop.
  • Dav discovered a broken Bloodstone Medallion.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Alistair Clancy and his magical wheelchair.
  • Silas the Hunter and his very devoted bodyguards possess a contract to collect Cal for a "big drow" named Vaelin Sunshadow.


Ascendant Path

  Held every century, this tournament calls forth the greatest fighters from across the realms to compete for a prize beyond value: a blessing from Irori, the Master of Masters, granting the winner unparalleled mastery over their limits. The warrior must embark on a journey to gather tokens of entry hidden across Golarion, each protected by formidable guardians and ancient trials. Some warriors seek out others who are already "on the path" and possess a token and challenge them in a unique combat ritual. These challenges are not necessarily to the death, often gaining possession of a token being a grand enough prize.
Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Report Date
11 Mar 2024