Session 21 - Burial Chamber Brawl

General Summary

As the mummy lord, Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mafer, ordered their death, the party was immediately confronted by the sight of four massive guardian statues. These ominous sentinels, carved from black stone and etched with glowing hieroglyphs, were more than decorative. They hummed with dark energy, pulsing rhythmically to restore vitality to the undead soldiers who rose to aid their pharaoh and himself. Dunner and Fiernar took swift action against these constructs, with Fiernar’s tactical strike causing one to crumble and unleash a necrotic backlash that severely weakened the pharaoh’s mummy form.   During this chaotic battle, Sweep, an armless construct now imbued with the spirit of the fallen gold dragon Aurixalar, emerged as an unexpected ally. Empowered with new healing abilities, Sweep stabilized and bolstered the adventurers, proving crucial in the fight against the undead forces.   As the battle progressed, the pharaoh, weakened by the adventurers' assaults and the loss of a guardian, retreated into his sarcophagus. The chamber responded with walls glowing ominously with hieroglyphs and draconic runes. An ethereal reptilian eye appeared, condemning the pharaoh's misuse of power and declaring him unworthy of the helm's gifts. As it vanished, the sarcophagus split open, revealing the pharaoh now trapped in a grotesque draconic form.   The final battle began as the pharaoh, in his new draconic form, roared the name “Tynathria” in fury and despair. This undead form was sustained by five glowing Soul Orbs, which drained life from the spirits of the pharaoh’s enslaved subjects. After recognizing the significance of these orbs, Alfie heroically shattered them, freeing the spirits and severing the pharaoh's supernatural resilience.   The heroes overwhelmed the pharaoh, neutralizing the guardians and destroying the soul orbs. His form crumbled under the combined might of magic and martial prowess, leaving behind the Helm of Titan’s Wrath as a potent relic of his reign.   Following the battle, the party explored the Sanctum of the Sealed Gate, discovering an aiudara, or elf gate, that promised pathways to distant lands. Their return to the Mystic Trove was marked by the reclamation of treasures and a strategic discussion with Zephyr, who took custody of the helm and paid the heroes for completing their contract.   In Ravengro, Alistair Clancy proposed a new quest to the adventurers: escort him to Blackwall Keep to consult with Marzena, a scholar intrigued by the Whispering Cairn. This would place the party near Mistmarch Swamp, a location the Ebon Triad had a great deal of interest in.

Rewards Granted

Burial Chamber Treasures:
  • Coins: 2,000 gold pieces, 3,000 silver pieces, 500 platinum pieces
  • Gems and Jewelry: 4 large rubies (each valued at 500 gp), 6 emeralds (each valued at 300 gp), 5 sapphires (each valued at 200 gp)
  • Religious Relics: Ankh symbol made of electrum (valued at 500 gp), Scarab bracelet encrusted with lapis lazuli (valued at 700 gp)
  • Scrolls and Tomes: Scroll of Ancient Prayers (valued at 600 gp), Tome of Pharaoh’s Reign (historical value, valued at 1,200 gp)
  • Fine Textiles: Gold-threaded linen robe (valued at 900 gp)
  • Belt of Giant Strength +2
  • Boots of Striding and Springing
  • Bracers of Armor +2
  • Cloak of Resistance +1
  • Gloves of Reconnaissance
  • Rod of Extend Spell (Lesser)
  • Amulet of Natural Armor +1
  • Pearl of Power (Level 1)
  • Javelin of Lightning
  • Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
  • Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
Sanctum of the Sealed Gate Treasures:
  • Inlaid Ceremonial Dagger (valued at 300 gp)
  • Jeweled Collar (valued at 450 gp)
  • Scrolls of Ancient Lore (valued at 150 gp)
  • Bronze Statuette of a Sphinx (valued at 200 gp)
  • Five Ceramic Jars with Alchemical Substances (valued at 100 gp total)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Recovered the Helm of Titan's Wrath, completing the contract with the broker Zephyr.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sweep (Armless construct/Aurixalar): Emerges as a key ally with newfound healing abilities, instrumental in the battle.
  • Zephyr: Takes custody of the Helm of Titan’s Wrath and settles the heroes' contract.
  • Alistair Clancy: Introduces a new quest involving a journey to consult with a scholar at Blackwall Keep. Dubs the party "ruinlords", given their affinity for raiding tomb and crypts.
Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Dunner Greatblade
Alfie Bud
Report Date
12 May 2024
Secondary Location